Closer to the Heart (The Heart Trilogy Book 3)

Closer to the Heart (The Heart Trilogy Book 3) by Unknown Page B

Book: Closer to the Heart (The Heart Trilogy Book 3) by Unknown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Unknown
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saw was the dark, brooding eyes of Zachary King. There and then she decided to get on with her life, practice loads and nail that audition for Mitchell's memory. Dalliances with men, any men were off the table she was determined to succeed.
    The next morning Charlotte went down to breakfast with a new spring in her step and a stain of colour in her previously pallid cheeks. She saw Aunt Sarah and Uncle Chris at a table and went to join them.
    “Morning Charlotte” Sarah said “You're looking bright and breezy”
    “I am , can' t wait to get home and start practicing for that audition. I'm going to do it for Mitchell”
    “That's my girl” Chris said, pulling a chair out so she could sit next to him. He looked across at Sarah and saw relief wash over her features. They had both been worried about their god-daughter being alone whilst Stephanie and James were away on honeymoon.
    Breakfast was self-service and Charlotte had some porridge and then a small bacon roll. Her stomach was still feeling a little dodgy after all the alcohol last night. Pam and Peter joined them, they were driving her home as her mum and James were staying another night and then going straight to the airport from here. She knew her Mum was worried about her and she didn't want her thinking sad thoughts while she was in New Zealand.
    With the sun streaming in through the pale curtains I woke up and looked across to the empty side of the bed. Sitting up I heard water running and then James poked his head out through the bathroom door.
    “Your bat h awaits, beautiful”
    “Why thank you sir” I said, walking across the room and sliding into his awaiting arms. His body warmed from the steam in the bathroom. He ushered me through and I stepped into the large bath tub. James jumped in and cuddled up beside me, his hand dipping beneath the water to slide up my silky thigh.
    We languished in the water, discussing our trip to New Zealand. James had got Chris to record the wedding ceremony on his phone so that we could email it to my parents before we got there. Then we dressed and shared breakfast in our room.
    “I'd love to go back to bed with you” I sighed “But I think we need to say goodbye to our last few guests and Charlotte”
    James nodded as we headed down to the bar and waited for everyone to gather.
    I gasped at the colour in Charlotte's cheeks as I enfolded her in my arms.
    “I' m gonn a miss you Mum” she said, kissing me “say hi t o Nann a and Grandpa from me and tell them that one day I will meet them”
    I nodded and tried to stop the tears of happiness sliding down my cheek and into her hair.
    “Just take care, Pam and Peter will look in on you, Sarah and Chris are only a phone call away and if you want to call us while we are away then do it” I said.
    James wrapped his arms around both of us and murmured.
    “Look after Jester for me, and it would make me so proud if you get that part”
    His words were so heartfelt that Charlie couldn't stop her own tears for Mitchell once again staining her cheeks. Stepping aside Sarah and Chris were next in line for hugs , the n Pam and Peter last. We stood on the steps of the hotel and waved them all off before turning back to each other.
    “Shall we go back to bed now?” James asked.
    “I thin k that' s a perfect idea Mr Cooke”
    Taking his hand in mine we walked to the lift , snogge d all the way up to our floor and then ran along the corridor giggling like teenagers. How I loved married life!

    Chapter 14
    Back at the house Charlotte was glad of the furry company Jester provided. She took him for a long walk in the park and explained that it would just be the two of them for the next three weeks. He licked her hand and wagged his tail in understanding. Then back home she entered the studio and gave it a proper clean in preparation. Upstairs she pulled on her practice clothes and picked up her iPod. This was the start of her dancing career, she just

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