Clash of Empires

Clash of Empires by Brian Falkner

Book: Clash of Empires by Brian Falkner Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brian Falkner
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asks, clearly shocked.
    â€œA necessary subterfuge,” the duke says, “and one that I trust you will all treat with the greatest confidence.”
    â€œWillem, do you honestly expect us to believe that the saur at your village was larger than the ones we encountered at Waterloo?” Frazer asks.
    â€œMuch larger, I think,” Willem says. “Although I did not see those at Waterloo.”
    â€œPiffle,” Congreve says, and laughs. “What he saw grows larger in his mind’s eye than ever it was in reality.”
    â€œThe beast was tall enough to take a man from our watchtower in the church steeple while standing at its base,” Willem says.
    â€œThe churches must be small in Gaillemarde,” Congreve scoffs, but as Willem looks at the faces that surround him, he sees only horror.
    â€œYet you killed this giant?” Frazer asks.
    â€œWith help from a friend,” Willem says.
    â€œUsing no more than mesmerization and a bolt from a crossbow,” Frost says. “Had Willem’s village been armed with Sir Congreve’s rockets I fear Willem would not be sharing luncheon with us today.”
    â€œWe must find some answer to Napoléon’s great beasts, and soon,” the duke says. “Before the tyrant finds a way to outwit the Channel Fleet.”
    â€œWhat about the Ottomans?” Wood asks. “Can we rely on them to join a new coalition against the French?”
    All eyes turn to the earl.
    â€œWe cannot expect any help from that quarter,” the earl says.
    â€œWhat was the response from Sultan Mahmud?” Frazer asks.
    â€œThe Ottoman Empire will not be joining any coalition,” the earl says. “The sultan does not want to antagonize Napoléon.”
    â€œHe joined us and the Prussians in the Second Coalition, why not this one?” Wood asks.
    â€œHe does not want to fight on the losing side,” Frazer says. “He dreams that having conquered Europe, Napoléon will leave the Near East alone.”
    â€œHe should learn from history,” the duke says. “The Mongol hordes once controlled Europe from west to east. I am sure Napoléon has even higher ambitions.”
    â€œI also suspect that Mahmud conducts his own expeditions to the Amerigo Islands,” the earl says. “In search of his own dinosaurs.”
    â€œThat will do him no good,” Frost says. “He does not know how to train or control the saurs.”
    â€œNor how to fight them,” Frazer says. “Which we do, thanks to Willem.”
    â€œIndeed,” the duke says with a warm smile at the young man. “Thank you for your efforts to date, Willem.”
    â€œIt has been my pleasure to serve,” Willem says formally. “I…” He falters, unsure how to continue.
    â€œSpeak your mind,” the duke says. “I presume you are about to remind me of my side of the bargain.”
    â€œThat was my intention, Your Grace,” Willem says uncomfortably.
    â€œYou are eager to rescue your mother and a young woman, whom the French have imprisoned at an abbey in the Sonian Forest near your village. Our agreement was two hundred light cavalry, if I remember correctly,” the duke says.
    Willem thinks the duke remembers perfectly well, but says only, “Yes, Your Grace.”
    â€œA well-conceived plan,” the duke says. “Such a force would be very mobile. How long do you think it would take you to reach the abbey after you make landfall?”
    â€œA matter of hours, your grace,” Willem says. “Certainly before any sizable force could be mobilized against us.”
    â€œAnd if they unleash their dinosaurs?” Wood asks.
    â€œIt is a good question,” the duke says. “Horses are no use against battlesaurs. We saw this at Waterloo. No matter how well trained, they will throw their riders and flee in terror.”
    â€œNapoléon’s dinosaurs have already joined units

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