Claimed by the Warrior

Claimed by the Warrior by Katie Reus Savannah Stuart Page A

Book: Claimed by the Warrior by Katie Reus Savannah Stuart Read Free Book Online
Authors: Katie Reus Savannah Stuart
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    She snorted. “I’ll see if you still say that in the next few weeks.”
    Leilani just smiled, not willing to tell her any more. “I’m going to visit a few of these places in person to see how they match up to the design.”
    “Sounds good. I’ll put in a call to Cyn, see if I can feel him out for what Con is thinking about this law business.”
    Leilani hadn’t known Marlena was friendly with Cyn, but didn’t comment. After they chatted about a few more business details, Leilani got back to work on her designs. The potential for growth was here, now she just had to convince the stubborn males in this sector it would be worth it to change their traditions.
    When she realized how many hours had passed and that it was nearing the time for the evening meal, she shut her programs down and went in search of Con. They hadn’t talked about his schedule this morning before he’d left, but she figured he’d be back soon, since he’d been coming in at the same time with regularity.
    Instead of him, she found Cyn in the kitchen pulling food out of the cooler. She hoped he would cook again. For someone who had only recently started cooking again, the male was talented. “If you ever decide you get tired of being a warrior, I think you could get a new job as a chef.”
    Shaking his head, he laughed. “Do human females like their warriors to cook?”
    She plucked a long-stemmed glass from one of the cabinets before pulling out a bottle of red villana . “I think all females like it.”
    “Hmm.” He didn’t say more as he continued moving around the kitchen with efficiency. She sat at the island and was going to ask him what he was making when he spoke again. “I hear you have been busy today.”
    Maybe Marlena had already called him. “From who?”
    “Your supervisor. She’s very happy with you. And she wants me to convince Con to make some changes. I said I would try but I think you will have more luck than me convincing him.”
    She didn’t think so, but didn’t comment directly. Instead she got up and started pulling down plates. She could at least set the table while he cooked. “What are your thoughts on the potential changes?” He was single after all. Unlike the mated males, he might have a different opinion.
    “It is time for a change.” He didn’t pause before answering.
    She was glad he was on board. Maybe it would help Con decide what he wanted to do. But she was tired of talking about or thinking about work so she changed the subject and kept him company while he cooked. When he was finished with some kind of casserole that smelled like heaven, Con still hadn’t returned.
    “Should we wait for your brother?” She probably could have called Con, but she didn’t want to bother him when he had seemingly hundreds of things to deal with during the day.
    Cyn shook his head as he joined her at the island. “No, the food will keep. He wouldn’t want you to wait to eat anyway.”
    She felt a little bad, but Cyn knew his brother better than her—and she was hungry. As they ate they talked about life here and some of the things Cyn was in charge of. It almost felt as if he was ‘selling’ the place to her. A soft sell, but a sales pitch nonetheless. She could have told him she didn’t need to be convinced this mountain region was great, as she’d found she enjoyed it. Of course Con had a lot to do with that.
    By the time they were finishing up, Con strode in. Wearing a dark green tunic that made his eyes seem brighter, he practically scowled as he looked at their empty plates on the island.
    “Hey, your brother cooked a fantastic meal. You want me to fix you a plate?” She slid off the chair so he could sit.
    He shook his head, looking between her and Cyn before focusing on her. “I’m not hungry. It’s been a long day.” His tone was as brusque as his expression.
    “Oh.” Feeling awkward, she remained where she was. Now clearly wasn’t the time to talk about any potential changes

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