Cinders & Sapphires

Cinders & Sapphires by Leila Rasheed

Book: Cinders & Sapphires by Leila Rasheed Read Free Book Online
Authors: Leila Rasheed
Tags: Fiction - Young Adult
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him influence her away from her duty. But although he stepped aside politely to let her pass, she felt his gaze burning into the back of her neck as she walked down the corridor.
    “I am going to accept Douglas Varley.” She said it aloud, to try and make herself believe it. Her voice came out small and trembling.
    She was determined not to look back, but she could not help one glance, just as she turned the corner. Ravi was still watching her. She quickly looked away, her heart beating, and half ran the rest of the way to the library.
    She paused to catch her breath and smooth down her dress before she opened the door. Of course she was going to accept him. What choice did she have? There was no future with Ravi. No matter what he said, no matter how he made her feel, it was impossible. At least, if she married Varley, she would see Ravi sometimes. Perhaps they could continue to meet secretly.…
    She shook her head in horror. She was actually contemplating behaving dishonestly, marrying Varley in cold blood with the intention of betraying him. What had come over her? Perhaps she was making a horrible mistake.
    She could hesitate no longer. She opened the door, and with a deep breath, walked in.
    Douglas Varley shook out the newspaper he had been reading and put it down. He rose from his chair, a self-satisfied expression on his face. Ada found herself staring at his wispy, dead-mouse mustache. The memory of her kiss with Ravi rushed back, the memory of his lips. Kissing Varley would repulse her. She knew this completely.
    “Ada, I’m delighted to see you alone at last. I’ve spoken to your father.”
    So this was it. This was the moment of truth. How could she be so undecided, in the most important decisions of her life? But she realized, as Mr. Varley went on speaking, that if she was undecided, he was anything but.
    “There is nothing to stand in our way, so I suggest a summer wedding, it will be an excellent opportunity to bring many influential men together—”
    “Mr. Varley, I must stop you,” Ada burst out in a panic. “You have entirely the wrong impression.”
    “Oh?” One of his substantial eyebrows rose.
    Ada swallowed; her voice seemed to have soaked away into her dry throat. But she finally found it. “I am very sorry to disappoint you,” she went on, trembling. “I truly respect you and feel the honor you have done me by proposing. But I cannot accept.”
    There, it was out. She had done it.
    Douglas Varley stared at her in silence.
    “I beg your pardon?” he said.
    “I cannot accept.”
    “Yes, that’s what I thought you said. Lady Ada, I don’t know if you understand that your father is entirely in favor of this match.”
    “I do, I do understand that.” She moved forward. “But I cannot marry a man I do not love.”
    “Love?” he said blankly. “My dear, you will have a house in Eaton Square. Think it over.”
    “I have thought it over.” She was getting annoyed.
    “Clearly not. Allow me to set your ideas in order.” He steepled his fingers as if preparing a speech. “All of your stepmother’s money is tied to the estate of Somerton, save that which is already settled on her children. Your only fortune is your face and your title.”
    Ada fought to keep down her anger. She was suddenly certain she had done the right thing. Varley was not only physically repulsive to her, he was also an arrogant, high-handed man.
    “I am sorry, but I am quite decided,” she said. “Please spare us both further pain by accepting my reply as final.”
    He stepped back as if he had been slapped.
    “Very well.” His voice was full of resentment. “If I’d known you were such a childish little thing I would never have proposed. Your father is at fault for leading me to believe you were an intelligent girl.”
    “I am. That is why I am refusing you! Oh—” Ada put a hand to her mouth, a shocked, nervous giggle escaping her. “I’m terribly sorry, Mr. Varley. I didn’t mean that as it

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