Chronicles of Eden - Act V
she’s not staying,” Falla groaned with a hand over her eyes. “Thinking about it she could actually help Daniel if she gets the princess to side with him. So against my better judgment we’ll be taking her with us. But we’re not all going.”
    “What do you mean we’re not all going?” Triska inquired carefully.
    “Do you know what giant butterflies do when they sense danger coming?” Falla asked, getting only confused stares from everyone. “They fly away. We don’t fight, we don’t like confrontations. So we fly away. If I escort Daniel to the royal tree with all of you, they’re going to run away. Not to mention we’ll have her with us.” She pointed to Luna who was holding her bound hands together up to Squeak with watery eyes and whimpers, the ant girl merely glancing to her with a raised eyebrow as the butterfly hopped around a bit on her feet.
    “That alone is going to be a red flag for the other butterflies,” Falla explained.
    “Somewhat makes sense,” Specca reluctantly agreed while watching Luna. “But would your monarch and entire village really flee just from us?”
    “If they’re scared enough they will,” Falla reasoned. “They’ll come back… though no idea how long before they do. They’ll just take off into the taller trees surrounding this grove and wait for you all to leave, and likely take all their men with them as well. If they do that Daniel will never get a chance to speak to the monarch, and Luna and myself may not be welcome here ever again for bringing suspicious guests.”
    “Don’t you have any fighters at all?” Triska asked.
    “Look at us,” Falla replied gesturing over herself. “We’re made to be beautiful, not spill blood. No giant butterfly is going to want to fight anyone. I doubt any even know how to throw a punch. We either use our natural beauty, our quick tongues, or our wings to simply fly away from a troublesome situation.”
    “Sounds like they could use allies who aren’t afraid to fight then,” Specca reasoned. “That could be a good selling point you could make with the monarch, Daniel.”
    “Yeah, sure, add it to your list,” Falla droned while waving off Daniel. “The point here is that we’re not all going to march through the village and cause a panic. So first, Alyssa, you’re staying here outside of Flairwood.”
    “And just why am I doing that?” Alyssa asked.
    “Two reasons,” Falla said before pointing to Pip. “One, make sure that fairy does not start molesting the butterflies of this grove when she wakes up or else we’re all screwed. And two, make sure your horse doesn’t get spooked or else we’re definitely screwed.”
    Alyssa glanced to Pip questionably from that while Falla turned to Specca and Squeak with a smirk.
    “You two are going into town, but not with us,” Falla ordered.
    “What do you mean?” Specca asked while Squeak tilted her head curiously. “What are we going to be doing?”
    “You’re going shopping,” Falla answered with a slick grin.
    “Yes, shopping,” Falla said glancing over to the couch at the side of the room. “You see, Luna gets the couch every night and I get the floor with a blanket. Don’t get me wrong, I’m thankful you at least allow me to sleep inside at night, but I want something better than the floor. You two are going shopping for a second bed.”
    Everyone just stared at her with blank expressions while Luna was furiously trying to wrestle her hands free from her imaginary binds.
    “What?” Triska flatly asked.
    “A bed ?” Alyssa repeated.
    “Yes, a bed,” Falla snapped at her. “We can move the couch over there by the table against the wall, and we can put another bed over there for me and my sister to sleep on. It’s the least you can do for all that I’ve done with helping you and getting Daniel to see my monarch.”
    “I’m not sure where to begin criticizing this request of yours,” Specca dryly commented.
    “Falla,” Daniel

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