Christmas With the Billionaire Rancher

Christmas With the Billionaire Rancher by Mandy Baxter Page A

Book: Christmas With the Billionaire Rancher by Mandy Baxter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mandy Baxter
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quaking with rage. “Answer me, Chloe! Is this some sort of fucking scam?”
    *   *   *
    Nate’s words knocked the air from Chloe’s lungs. She’d planned to tell him that she’d contacted Travis. In fact, they’d been about to cover that very subject when her phone rang.
    â€œOf course it’s not a scam. And I didn’t sleep with your brother! How could you even suggest that?” Nate cocked a brow and it was all Chloe could do not to throw her fork at him.
    â€œYou got me to keep the money and it didn’t even take a full two weeks. When were you going to spring it on me? Tonight? Tomorrow? Were you going to use the foundation excuse on me, too? Beg for a donation and then take the money and run?”
    Nate’s eyes blazed with an angry fire that threw off enough heat to make Chloe sweat. “My foundation isn’t an excuse !” Chloe railed. The weeks of stress and worry finally caught up to her and she cracked under the emotional strain. “Do you want to know the truth, Nate? I’m closing my doors if I can’t come up with the operating funds by close of business Christmas Eve. And I’d do anything to save my foundation and the kids it helps. I went to your father’s memorial service absolutely prepared to get down on my knees and beg you for that money.”
    Nate snorted. “You got down on your knees all right. You just forgot to ask for a check afterward.”
    Tears sprung to Chloe’s eyes and she couldn’t stop their ceaseless flow. “How could you say that?” Her voice was nothing more than a pained whisper.
    â€œYou know, at least Miranda was up-front about picking my pocket. She never pretended to be something she wasn’t and didn’t make up bullshit excuses for why she wanted the money.”
    â€œPiss off, Nate!”
    â€œWhat about the kid? You pay him off, too? Pick him up on a playground somewhere and offer him twenty bucks if he could play his part and make you look good?”
    â€œYou’re an asshole!” A sob lodged in Chloe’s throat. “I never once asked you for money. After that first night together I decided that I was more interested in you than what you could do to help me.”
    â€œI’m supposed to believe that? You’ve spent the past ten days doing everything in your power to convince me to keep my inheritance. And you’ve already gone behind my back to wheel and deal with my brother. What else are you hiding, Chloe?”
    â€œNot a damned thing. You know, Nate, for a second there I thought I was actually falling in love with you. But that could never happen. I could never love a man who’d suggest I’d give him a blowjob and expect a fucking paycheck in return! I don’t care what you decide to do with your money. Have a nice life, Nate.”
    Tears streamed down Chloe’s cheeks as she snatched her phone from the table and rushed past Nate. She paused only long enough to snatch her purse from the hook before she hurried out the back door. It slammed behind her as she fled across the old deck and down the rotting stairs toward the driveway where her car was parked. She didn’t even care that she was leaving with only the clothes on her back. He could keep her suitcase and clothes for all she cared. It was worth replacing all of her makeup and toiletries if it meant she never had to look at his face ever again.
    â€œSon of a bitch!” Chloe’s fists came down on the steering wheel. She reached down and turned the key, slamming the car into reverse the second the engine roared to life. Tears blurred her vision, but she didn’t care as she sped down the narrow dirt lane that led away from Nate’s house. No one had ever hurt her so badly. Cut her so deep. It was a wound that she feared might never heal.
    And the worst part? She’d given him the weapon that he’d wielded against her.
    The two-hour

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