Choose Wisely

Choose Wisely by Michele V. Mitchell

Book: Choose Wisely by Michele V. Mitchell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michele V. Mitchell
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                  I loved Saturday mornings. This was the only day I could actually sleep in. I had to get up early during the week to go to school and, Sundays I helped my father with Sunday school. This Saturday however; there would be no sleeping in. I had my nephew, and sleep was the last thing on his mind.
                  “Auntie are you up yet?”
    I pulled the covers over my head, hoping he would give me at least another hour.
                  “Auntie I’m hungry!” He whined.
    I knew there was no winning with him. He wanted me up and that’s what was about to happen.
                  “Okay David let me put some clothes and I’ll be right out.
    I watched him run into the living room. I said my morning prayer and slipped on my robe.
                  “What do you want for breakfast little man?”
                  “Cereal, but not that nasty stuff you eat,”
    I did a pose in front of the television he was watching.
                  “Special K isn’t nasty. Plus it keeps your auntie looking good like this,” I smiled.
                  “Okay but I still don’t want that stuff yuck!”
                  “Whateva come in the kitchen and pick out the box you want me to open,”
    I already knew he would be staying the weekend. I made sure I brought all his favorite foods. He was my only nephew. So it was my job to spoil him . I made us both a bowl of cereal. We ate and I tried to figure out what do with him for the rest of the day.
                  I gave David a bath and got him dressed first. He watched television, and I searched my closet trying to find something comfortable to wear. As I was searching I ran across a sweater that I had meant to return to Macy’s. My sister had purchased it for me as a gift and it just wasn’t my style.  I loved her. But her taste in clothes was worse than Dontae’s new choice of women.
                  I explained to my nephew that once I returned the sweater in the store that we would go to the Family Fun Center inside the mall. It was basically an arcade that had enough games to keep him busy for a few hours. I spoke with the store clerk. She said leave the sweater up front and see if I could find something to exchange it with.
                  David and I made our way to the women’s department. I went to the first rack of sweaters that had a sale sign, I was about to start looking through the sweaters, when I noticed a women about to put a sweater in her purse.
                  “What are you doing?” I asked.
    She quickly put the sweater back on the rack.
                  “I’m not doing anything! Why don’t you mind your damn business?” She hissed.
    I was about to give her a piece of mind until I realized who I was talking too.
                  “Wow! Really Dontae ain’t hooking you up enough?”
                  “I don’t know what you’re talking about!”
    I couldn’t help but laugh. I picked up the sweater Lexi had just placed on the rack.
                  “So you’re going to stand here and act like I just didn’t see you?” She snatched the sweater back.
                  “Look you can say what you wanna say. But I haven’t done anything wrong. Why don’t you just admit you would say anything to try to get me caught up? I’m sorry your ex wants to be with me. If I was you I would just move on,”
                  I moved closer and put my finger in her face. I was about to speak when I felt someone pulling my jacket. I forgot David was with me.
                  “Auntie who’s that?” He pointed at her.
                  “Nobody that matters,”
    I picked him up and assured him everything was fine. I turned and quickly made my way to the

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