Choose Wisely

Choose Wisely by Michele V. Mitchell Page A

Book: Choose Wisely by Michele V. Mitchell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michele V. Mitchell
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counter. I was pissed. I took my sweater and headed to the Family Fun Center. I couldn’t believe I just let her take me there . I was a good Christian woman. But I was also human.
                  I glanced at my cell phone to check the time. It was two o’clock and we hadn’t had anything to too eat since breakfast. I instructed David to finish up his last game so we could eat lunch. We took the elevator to the food court, which was on the second floor. I didn’t bother to ask him where he wanted to eat. McDonalds was straight ahead and that was is favorite restaurant. I ordered our food and removed the tray from the counter. I turned and scanned for a table.
                  “Auntie isn’t that lady you were arguing with?” He pointed to the table where Lexi and her brother were sitting.
    It looked like he had his hand on top of hers. I grabbed his hand so I could get a better look. They must’ve had noticed us because her brother stood and made his way over to me and David.
                  “How you doing Sandy?” Lou asked.
                  “I’m fine and yourself?”
    He took my tray and followed us to our table.
                  “I’m good. Do you think we could get together sometime soon?” He asked.
    I picked up my cell phone and looked through my contacts.
                  “I still have your number. I’ll give you a call okay?” I glanced over at Lexi who was giving me the mean face.
                  “I think you need to get back to your sister. It seems like she has a problem with you talking to me,”
                  “She’s cool. I’m grown. Who I choose to spend time with is none if her concern,”
    I was trying to hurry him along. I had no interest in him. It was time to find out what was going on with him and his sister. I opened David’s Happy Meal and pulled out his burger.
                  “Well I’ll talk to you later. I have to get my nephew situated,”
    He smiled and strolled back to his table. I watched as he sat down with Lexi. It was something off with those two. I just knew it. David and I finished our food and headed to bathroom. I had to force him to go. But I knew it was best he went before we left the mall.
                  I opened the bathroom and he ran into one of the stalls.
                  “Do you need any help?”
                  “No I’m a big boy,”
                  “Okay I’ll be waiting right here until you’re done,”
    I went over to the sink to wash my hands. I turned when I heard the stall door open. I thought it was David. But to my surprise it was Lexi. She tried to hurry and put her sunglasses back on. But it was too late I had already seen her swollen black eye. Suddenly I didn’t see her as this woman from hell. I saw a woman who looked like she needed help.
                  “Are you all right? Who did that to you?” She walked over to the sink and washed her hands.
                  “I don’t know what you’re talking about I’m fine,”
                  “You’re not fine! I just saw your eye,”
                  “Listen I got into with some chic last night at the club. Let it go!” She snatched her purse and stomped out the bathroom.
    Something in my gut told me she was lying. If she wasn’t trying to give me answers I knew who would. I pulled into the Next Level’s parking lot. I parked my car right next to Dontae’s. I knew the club wasn’t open yet, so this would be the best time to talk to him. Once David realized where we were he immediately got excited. He loved Dontae and since our break he hadn’t seen him.
                  “Auntie are we going to see uncle Dontae?”
                  “Yes but only for a little while,”
    He grabbed his McDonald toy and tried to get out of his car

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