Cherringham--Mystery at the Manor

Cherringham--Mystery at the Manor by Neil Richards Page B

Book: Cherringham--Mystery at the Manor by Neil Richards Read Free Book Online
Authors: Neil Richards
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    Just two weeks to go before the Cherringham Charity Christmas Concert. Choir rehearsals are in full swing. Then the worst thing happens: Tabby Kimball, one of the singers, is found dead from a severe allergic reaction to one of the home-made rehearsal cakes. Jack is pulled in to help bolster the depleted choir - and soon he’s convinced that Tabby’s death was no accident. Sarah agrees, and quickly the two of them are immersed in the jealousies, rivalries and passions of Cherringham's Rotary Club choir …
    Cherringham - A Cosy Crime Series
Murder by Moonlight
by Matthew Costello and Neil Richards

Cherringham — A Cosy Crime Series

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