Chasing Victory (The Winters Sisters)
you win. Let’s get the team together. We have a lot of work to do, especially Jack and we only have-“ Wyatt looked at his watch, “about twelve hours to get this crazy plan worked out.”
    Ten minutes later Jack, Logan, Wyatt, and Tristan were gathered around the large oval table in the Situation Room.
    “Okay guys, we’re one man down and I really think Noah needs to stay with Payton for now. Especially since Braxton has threatened her. We may try and move her to a safe house after she gets back from California, but for now we are one man short. Braxton wants Victory to give him three weeks on the project. Tristan has come up with a way in. He wants Victory to tell Braxton that she will give him the three weeks, but only if he brings in her lab assistant.” Wyatt said.
    All three of the guys looked at Tristan. Logan was the first to speak, a smirk filling his face. “Tristan, an assistant?”
    “Yeah, you don’t think I can assist. I can assist,” Tristan shot back.
    “Enough guys, we don’t have time for this.” Wyatt knew he had to stop them now or this bantering could go on forever. “Jack you are the lead for this part of the project and are going to be ultra busy. We need an iron clad background. We know Braxton will have his people do an extensive background check on Tristan. No slip ups. Tristan, Logan, you guys are backing up Jack. Our drop dead time is oh seven hundred. At that time, Logan and Tristan need to head back out to the island to make contact with Victory. That’s it. Let’s go to work.”

    * * *

    Nine forty-five the next morning Victory walked out of the lab and casually strolled toward the gardens. She didn’t want to draw anyone’s attention, so she stopped every now and then to look at a flower or greet the employees she met on the grounds. Out of the corner of her eye she caught movement heading her way.
    “Ms. Winters, Ms. Winters.” Victory turned to see Sarah, Braxton’s secretary running towards her. She stopped to let Sarah catch up to her; she certainly didn’t want this woman following her to her destination.
    “Yes, Sarah?” Victory greeted her with a smile.
    “Sorry to disturb your walk, but I have heard from Mr. Braxton. He will be arriving at noon and he wishes to meet with you as soon as he arrives.”
    “At noon? I thought I had at least another four hours.” Victory answered red faced and exasperated.
    “I’m very sorry, but Mr. Braxton’s schedule often changes on an hourly basis. I won’t keep you any longer, as I’m sure you have thinking you need to do,” Sarah said.
    Victory glanced around her to make certain no one was near. She closed her eyes, took in a deep breath and listened. She heard the chirping of the birds, the sound of the breeze blowing in from the ocean, and bits and pieces of different conversations, but no one took notice of her. She opened her eyes and looked at her watch. “Damn, it’s ten past ten,” she muttered to herself. Picking up her pace she headed for the bench overlooking the ocean. When she finally arrived she sat in the same spot she had the day before, keeping her eyes fixated on the rolling waves.
    “There you are, we thought you were going to stand us up.” Tristan’s warm, soft voice floated into her thoughts. Suddenly her controlled façade fell away and panic set in. She frantically started signing about her run in with Sarah and having to meet with Braxton in two hours.
    “Calm down Victory. We have a plan. Everything is going to be alright.” Tristan said.
    “We? Who’s we?” She signed.
    “All your questions will be answered. But right now we are short on time, we have to make this fast. I hoping you will be able to retain everything I need to tell you,” Tristan said.
    “I’m one of the best research specialists in the world, what do you think?” She flashed a glance in his direction.
    “I’m glad to see you still have your sense of humor. Take your left hand and slid it down the inside leg

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