Chasing Victory (The Winters Sisters)
the smug man that he was, Braxton was sure he would be able to convince Victory to stay of her own accord before the three weeks were up. If not, then he would again threaten her sisters.
    “I need to able to speak to my sisters. I will tell them that I was called away on research.”
    “Of course, as long as you don’t give them any of the details of the project you will be working on. And as far as your assistant, it would be best for him if he was also kept in the dark.”
    “My thoughts exactly, the less he knows the safer he will be,” Victory responded casually.
    “Good, I’m glad we are on the same page. Give Sarah all the contact information regarding your assistant on your way out.”
    “I need to call him first and let him know that he will be coming out here to work for three weeks.”
    “Yes, you do need to contact him. But he won’t be working here,” Braxton said.
    “We need to work together,” she quickly responded, slightly less brazen.
    “And you will be. Call him on your way out and tell him to pack for warm weather. He is to go to the airport tomorrow morning at nine, there will be a private helicopter waiting to bring him out here. Good day Ms. Winters.” Braxton returned to his computer and Dave entered the office.
    “I’ll see you back to your room.” Dave said as he nodded towards the hall. Victory gave one last scowl in Braxton’s direction and headed out of his office.
    “I need to give Sarah some information, and then I have been given permission to make some calls,” she hissed at Dave. Sarah looked up ready to receive her instructions. “Sarah, I will be joined by my lab assistant, Tristan Grant.” She recited from memory, every exact word that had been on the recording.
    “Thank you Ms. Winters. I’ll take care of all the details,” Sarah responded. Victory prayed that his cover was good and would hold up to Sarah’s scrutiny. At this point she didn’t trust anything Tristan told her.
    “That’s fine. Mr. Braxton said that I could phone both Tristan and my sisters.”
    “Yes, there’s a phone right over here.” She led her across the hall to a chair and side table with a phone sitting on it. Victory looked at the phone then back at both Sarah and Dave. Obviously they weren’t going to let her speak to anyone privately.
    “Is this the only phone that I can use?” she asked.
    “It’s this or nothing,” Dave snapped before Sarah spoke up.
    “Fine.” She sat in the chair, turned her back to them, and dialed Payton’s cell phone. Payton answered on the second ring. She was aware of the plan, but in case their call was overheard, Payton was to convince the kidnappers that she was in the dark.
    “Hello,” Payton answered.
    “Hey sis.”
    “Victory! Thank god you’re safe. Where are you? Why did you disappear? Are you okay?” She rambled on, it wasn’t a stretch trying to act upset. Knowing the plan didn’t make her any less distressed that her sister had indeed been kidnapped.
    “Calm down Payton. I’m okay. Seems there was a bit of a misunderstanding with one of my business associates. They insist I stick around and help them work out a problem.” Dave gave her a bit of a frown. “How’s Dax?”
    “He’s okay. He was really agitated for the first day or so that you were gone, but he is settling down now.”
    “Give him a kiss and a big hug for me and tell him I’ll be home in three weeks. Tristan will be heading out to join me tomorrow. You know how I can’t get anything done in my lab without him.”
    “Ahh, yes, I do know. I’m really glad that he will be there to help you,” Payton answered.
    “I need to still call him and Willow, so I guess I had better get moving.”
    “Okay, Victory...”
    “I know sis, I miss you too and all the doberkids.”
    “Please, take good care of yourself and call again when you can,” Payton said.
    “I will.”
    “I love you, Victory.” Payton whispered into the receiver.
    “Right back at you, bye for

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