Chasing Tara (Bryant Station Curves)

Chasing Tara (Bryant Station Curves) by Rayne Rachels Page A

Book: Chasing Tara (Bryant Station Curves) by Rayne Rachels Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rayne Rachels
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you are determined to protect Ben, as you are Haley.
    Ben is Jason’s son.
    But , you feel he is yours.
    Yes. In my heart, I know he belongs to me. How is that possible?
    You were too young to become Jason’s mate. The human, Allison, was able to see and understand things that other humans cannot, but she was dying. I loaned your bear to her so that she could be Jason’s mate, so that she could conceive Ben. Your womb may not have carried the cub, but he is yours. Never doubt that. The woman smiled at Tara. You are strong. You are the strength that will guide and protect the future of my bears.
    Tara shook her head. I don’t think you have the right person. I didn’t stand and fight. I ran away.
    I know I have the right person. You did what you had to do to protect what is yours. Now I need you to protect all my bears. You are a warrior. You are my warrior.
    How do you know? Tara frowned.
    I know because I’m the Great Mother Bear.
    Ben is special. Protect him. I fear a darkness is coming. The woman looked down at the bear leaning against Tara. You must go back, but you will not go alone. The Great Mother Bear put one hand on the bear’s head and her other hand on Tara’s head.
    A strange warmth flowed through Tara. Darkness claimed her again.
    *              *              *
    Wake up. Our cub is in danger.
    The voice filtered through the darkness surrounding Tara. The cubs are safe.
    But our cub is not safe. You have to wake up.
    Tara tried opening her eyes. Only one would cooperate. The other eye was swollen shut. She tried moving. A groan escaped from her. She closed her good eye.
    Ignore the pain. It will go away. Our cub needs us.
    Tara opened her eye again. The passenger seat came into view. Tara tried frowning causing pain to radiate from every muscle from her face. Tara sucked in a deep breath and let it out. She was cold and wet.
    You have to get up. Our cub needs us.
    Who are you?
    I am your bear of course. I was with you when you spoke to the Great Mother Bear.
    Tara searched her memories. It wasn’t a dream? It was real?
    Yes. Now get up. Our cub needs us.
    Tara tried moving her legs, but they refused to work. She put her hands down on the floor to push herself up. Her hands sank in the cold, muddy water.
    A loud cracking noise filled the cab of the SUV. Tara looked up again. The cab of the SUV was dark. The only light came from the rear.
    Another loud cracking noise filled the cab.
    Tara looked toward the front windshield. Her eyes adjusted to the dim light. The windshield was cracked and she was partially lying on it.
    We have to get out of here. Our cub needs us.
    Tara put a hand on her stomach . Is the cub okay?
    Cub is good. I will protect. You have to get us out of here.
    Tara inched her way off the windshield. It crackled and popped as she moved. The roof was at an angle. Tara realized the SUV was upside down in the river.  The other thing she realized was Donald wasn’t in there.
    Our mate is coming.
    How do you know?
    He loves us. Confidence radiated from Tara’s bear.
    We have to get out of the vehicle or he won’t find us.
    Tare forced her legs and arms to work together. The cold water made her limbs sluggish. She managed to grab the back of the passenger seat and used it to pull herself into the back seat. Pain surged through her body causing her to gasp for more air.
    The SUV shifted.
    The windshield broke with a loud pop.
    Water poured into the vehicle.
    The SUV shifted again. The roof hit the bottom of the river, sending more water rushing inside the vehicle.
    Tara took a deep breath and sank under the water. The current made by the water rushing into the vehicle pushed against her, but Tara fought her way through it toward the back window. Several seconds her hands felt the doorframe. She wrapped her fingers around the edges and pulled herself out of the wreckage.
    Tara’s head broke the surface. She gasped for air.
    The bank was only ten

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