Charmed Again (Halloween LaVeau)

Charmed Again (Halloween LaVeau) by Rose Pressey

Book: Charmed Again (Halloween LaVeau) by Rose Pressey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rose Pressey
we were almost there to tell me this? Why hadn’t he mentioned this earlier? That would explain a little bit of why this woman had information about Nicolas. But w as this just a setup by Sabrina? After all, she was a vampire now too.
    After finally finding the street, Liam found a spot up front and pulled along the curb.
    Liam shoved the car in park. “Maybe you should let me go in first. I can check things out and make sure it’s safe.”
    I shrugged. “Okay. Whatever you think is best.”
    Liam jumped out of the car, but only took a few steps before he turned around and motioned for me to get out of the car. “On second thought, I don’t want to leave you all alone in the car. You all have to come in with me.”
    This woman was really going to think I had a bizarre security detail—a handsome guy, a pretty blonde best friend, and a grandmother. We were an odd match.
    The place was dark and a shock to the eyes after coming in from the bright daylight. A woman was behind the bar wiping off the counter. She looked up when we approached.
    “We’re here to see Ginny Love.” I looked around the bar.
    She gestured with a tilt of her head. “She’s in the back room. You can go on back there if you’d like.”
    We moved into the back section of the bar. Liam led the way with Catherin being the caboose in our odd little train. The room was filled with small loveseats in the corners and tables with wooden chairs in the middle of the room. At the back of the room was a small stage. I supposed this was where they had the live bands that the sign out front had advertised performed five nights a week.
    At first, I hadn’t notice d anyone in the room, but then I happened to catch a glimpse of a dark-haired woman sitting at the back in one of the booths. She wore dark blue jeans and a white blouse. When she spotted us, she jumped up and headed our way.
    As she hurried over, I stood with my hand out. “You must be Ginny Love? I’m Halloween LaVeau.”
    The woman took my hand in hers and shook rapidly. “It’s such an honor to meet you.”
    Before now no one had ever been this excited to meet me. Now everyone was being polite and nice to me. Well, everyone but Jacobson and his Coven. Just because I’d found some stupid book too. Why hadn’t they been polite before? All of a sudden now I was special? That was far from the truth.
    “It’s nice to meet you too.” I spoke the words, but until she told me what she knew about Nicolas I wasn’t sure if it really was nice to meet her.
    “This is my… my …” I looked at Liam and scowled. What should I call him?
    He stuck out his hand. “I’m Ms. LaVeau’s security.”
    That was awkward. I’d just thought of Liam as a friend. But I guessed there was no room for friendship right now.
    “And these are my friends, Annabelle and Catherin.” I gestured at the women.
    How else would I introduce Catherin? Oh, this is a ghost I accidentally brought back and now she’s stuck following me around to strange places with vampires and witches.
    “Please , let’s have a seat.” Ginny pointed at the table closest to us.
    “We really don’t have long,” I said, as I pulled out a chair and sat down.
    Liam, Annabelle and Catherin all pulled out chairs and sat around the table. Ginny paced around the table and twisted her hands.
    “So, can you tell me why you invited me here?” I asked.
    Ginny looked over her shoulder. “Nicolas Marcos was here last night.” Her voice was barely above a whisper.
    “Are you sure you saw him?” I exchanged a look with Liam.
    She nodded. “He was here last night. He sat in the front at a table with another man and woman.”
    I shook my head. “You must be mistaken. It must have been someone who looked like him. He couldn’t have been here yesterday. He was an hour away at my place all day.”
    She twisted her hands again. “No, no. I heard them call him by name.”
    “What did they say?” Liam asked.
    “I don’t know what the

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