Chaos Burning
looked and acted like Simon was that… well, he looked and acted like he did.
    This was silly flirting. Nothing more. A close moment. A friendship -type moment. He cared for her, as of course she cared for him. But he wasn’t tingly for her as a woman and she would be a total idiot to think it was anything more than the fun back-and-forth they had enjoyed up until then.
    She needed to find her center and for the purposes of interrogating a prisoner, that was not it. Lark took a deep breath and went to her knees, her palms open, facing upward.
    Even just being in the garden had begun to fill her reserves. But when she drew all that magick simply floating in the air all around her, her back bowed as she sucked in a breath.
    He moved to her, she knew this, felt the pull between themtauten. Her eyes flew open to take him in. Wild there in the moonlight as he clasped her hands. His wolf was there, close to the surface. It had ceased to surprise her, just how thin that barrier was between man and beast.
    His magick was warm, golden. It tasted like sunshine, smelled like the heat rising from the trees, that spice of cedar and pine. It filled her up, into every corner, even as she opened her mouth to tell him to stop.
    And instead, found his mouth on hers, more magick pouring into her system until her eyes watered and she dug her nails into his wrists to try to keep herself afloat.
    “Shh.” A puff of air against her lips. “Don’t fight it.”
    Fight what? She knew she was struggling, but not against what.
    He stood, pulling her along with him. “We’ll talk later. Right now you have a job to do.”
    Why was he telling her that as if she didn’t know? Why was she so pissy that he was saying what she was admonishing herself with in her head?
    Boys. Damn it.
    Without saying anything else, she managed to get back to the deck and into her tights and boots. He followed, remaining very close to her the entire time.
    She paused before heading down the hall toward the doors where the prisoners were being held. “Thank you for sharing your energy with me.”
    He frowned and then nodded. “Next time don’t make me push it at you. It’s freely offered, use it.”
    “Don’t spoil it by being a dick.”
    “A dick? You’re being a dick by not just accepting the offer right off.”
    “I told you I didn’t need it.” She said this through a clenched jaw, which sort of defeated the nonchalance she’d been aiming for. “I appreciate it. But I had plenty from the air all around and the earth at my feet.”
    He took her upper arms and hauled her close. “I won’t have you endangering yourself more than is necessary.” And then set her back and opened the door before she could respond.
    Only because Gage was just inside did she manage not to sniff and flounce past.
    And then she was back on the job and everything else fell away.
    “I’m going to go in to video for you. All right?” Gage asked.
    “Yes, yes, good.”
    She took one last drink of water and opened the door to the cell. Immediately she felt the restraints of the spells on the space. Spells that would allow only certain people to use magick in the room. Even what sort of magick used was controlled here.
    Lark pulled a chair to where one of the mages sat on the edge of a bed. “Here’s how this will work.”
    He began to speak and with a quick move of her wrist, he shut his mouth.
    “I’m talking. As I was saying, here’s how this will work. You can tell me what you’re doing and who this mysterious him is. Or I can just riffle through your brain to get the information myself. It’s up to you.”
    “You can’t do that!”
    “Watch me.”
    He looked nervously to Gage, who continued to film without speaking. She knew without turning around that Simon stood at the door, just inside. She and Gage had had to readjust the wards to allow him inside when they’d first arrived. Funny how he took up space there as if he’d always done so.
    She frowned

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