Changed (The Hunters #1)

Changed (The Hunters #1) by Rose J. Bell

Book: Changed (The Hunters #1) by Rose J. Bell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rose J. Bell
and an hour in Madison’s house made five
    So I
only have one hour left , she
    Rosa grabbed for her belt, but did not
find it. She lifted the blanket to find she was wearing one of
those medical scrubs.
    “ Where is my belt?” she
asked almost in panic. It could not be away! That belt was her
life. She kept everything in it.
    “ Don’t worry, Ice
Princess. Everything is on the table.” Jason pointed behind him on
a small table where she saw her belt. Hastily, she tried to stand,
only a sharp pain shot through her leg.
    “ I think you should sit
down again,” said Jason.
    Rosa shook her head. “I don’t want to
be here. I hate hospitals.”
    “ The
doctor said you shouldn ’ t move.”
    “ The doctor can go screw
himself,” Rosa said. She couldn’t straighten her leg, so she hopped
to the table, removing the vial from her belt. She took a sip just
to make sure her gift wasn’t triggered.
    “ What’s that?” Jason asked
from behind her.
    “ Nothing,” she said, and
hopped to the closet where there were clothes hanging.
    “ Ice Princess, I’m not a
kid anymore. I know that nothing really means
    Rosa chuckled. “It’s just something I
have to take. These are my mine?” She pointed to clothes in the
    Jason nodded. “I trashed your old
ones. Then I bought new ones.”
    Black pants, a black T-shirt, and her
old black leather jacket. Rosa always wore black. She liked this
    She looked at Jason. “Did you stay
here with me the entire?”
    Jason nodded. “Yes.”
    “ And
why?” She couldn ’ t figure out why he was with her the whole time. That just
did not fit her image of the Nephilim.
    Jason didn’t answer directly. Then he
stood up, pacing the room.
    “ I’m not as cruel as you
think, Ice Princess,” he answered simply, and left the
    Rosa was
so confused. Could it be angels weren ’ t totally cruel and
    No, it
could not ! An
archangel has killed your father, Rosa ,
she reminded herself.
    After she took her clothes, Rosa
hopped on one leg back to her bed and sat down. Getting dressed,
she attached her belt to her waist. Fortunately, there weren’t any
daggers in it.
    Then she made her way into the
bathroom. The girl in the mirror was pale, and eyes bloodshot. Her
left eye was swollen and her bottom lip busted.
    Yeah, she looked like crap.
    To freshen up, Rosa splashed cold
water on her face, and tied her hair back. Then she left the
bathroom, looking again around the room to make sure she was not
forgetting something, and then she left.
    Jason was standing with a nurse a few
feet away. He flirted heavily with her.
    This boy learns
    “ Jason!” called an
irritated Rosa. “Come on!”
    He gestured to the nurse to call him
then he came back to Rosa.
    “ Here. So you can go,” he
said as he handed her a pair of crutches.
    “ Why do you flirt so
much?” she asked as they walked to the exit. “Haven’t you learned
your lesson?”
    He grinned at her. “Apparently
    She raised one of her crutches to him.
“Next time I won’t save your butt.”
    “ I
don ’ t know if I
can believe that.”
    “ You better believe
    As they arrived at the stairs, Rosa
tried to go down with the crutches. Cursing, she slowly took a
step. How much she hated to be injured!
    “ Come. I’ll carry you,”
said Jason. Before Rosa could argue, he took her crutches and
lifted her in his arms. She wrapped her arms around his neck to
hold herself.
    “ I could go down the
stairs on my own,” she said, looking at his handsome
    Jason nodded. “Sure, but that would
take too long.”
    She never thought in her life she
would be carried out of a hospital in arms of her enemy. She had
not even considered talking with them, or especially saving their
lives before.
life can be funn y. Really funny.
    Without realizing it, she rested her
head on his chest. He was wearing one of those green surgical
gowns. She felt Jason’s eyes on her,

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