Chameleon Wolf
decimated his pack. He needs to be taken out.”
    “Beyond protecting Aiden, I couldn't care less about Alpha Issacar.”
    “What about what he’s doing to the pack?” Sebastian asked as he stepped away from the counter and closer to Zac. He looked shocked.
    “What about it?” Zac asked.
    “Don’t you care?”
    “Look, it’s not that I don’t care. I do. It’s just that Matt and Aiden are now more important than any other pack. They are my mates, my pack, and until I know they are safe, no one else matters.”
    Sebastian sat down suddenly in one of the dining chairs. “Do you know how much this sucks?”
    “My not wanting to go after Alpha Issacar?” Zac asked in confusion.
    “No,” Sebastian said, “being alone. I want someone to care for me more than they care for anyone else on the planet.” He waved his hand toward Zac and Matt. “Like you do with your mates. I want that, too.”
    Zac wasn’t in any way surprised when Matt rushed across the room to Sebastian. “Oh, you’ll find that, Sebastian. You just have to keep looking. There’s someone out there for you. There’s someone out there for everyone.”
    Sebastian’s smile didn’t quite reach his eyes. “Sometimes I wonder about that, Matt, but thank you, anyway. Watching the way you three have come together gives me hope.”
    Zac couldn’t agree more. They could have had a lot of problems, not gotten along, or even not liked each other. Their mating was almost effortless. That made Zac more determined to keep his mates safe. He wasn’t about to give up what he had found.
    “Come on, let’s get this stuff together and get it to the wolf council,” Zac said. “The faster we do that, the faster they can deal with Alpha Issacar. I want the time to just get to know my mates and be with them for a while.”
    Sebastian stood. He looked determined, his jaw rigid. “After this, if the council wants to send you on any missions for a while, I’ll go in your stead.” Sebastian shrugged. “Who knows, maybe I’ll be sent on a mission to eliminate my mate, too.”
    Zac laughed nervously. He knew Sebastian was trying to break the tension in the room, but being sent on a mission to eliminate his mate wasn’t all roses. He defied the council to save Aiden. Granted, the council might not all be in on the conspiracy to kill Aiden, but Zac still defied them. If that got out, not only could he be more of an outcast than he was, the council could send someone to eliminate him.
    Zac helped Matt gather the information together, and they made several copies. He left one in his office, another between the rafters in his garage. He also wanted to drop a copy off with his Alpha, just to be on the safe side. The rest of the copies they would take with them, each of them carrying one.
    “Matt, don’t forget to grab a change of clothes,” Zac said as he passed him in the hallway. “I don’t know how long we’re going to be gone.”
    “Bite your tongue, Zac,” Aiden said from the kitchen archway. “I think we should make him go naked.”
    Zac’s eyebrows shot up. “Uh…”
    Aiden chuckled. “Ah hell, I can wish, can’t I?”
    Zac nodded. “While the idea has merit, Aiden, I don’t think I want everyone seeing Matt without his clothes on. You, I don’t have an issue with. Anyone else I might have to kill.”
    Aiden frowned and crossed his arms over his chest as he looked Matt up and down. “I see your point. Maybe we should buy him a suit of armor instead.”
    “Hey,” Matt snapped, his hands planted firmly on his hips, “Don’t I get a say in this?”
    “No!” Zac said.
    “No!” Aiden said at the same time.
    Zac chuckled when Matt rolled his eyes. He couldn’t have been more pleased when Matt crossed his arms over his chest and started tapping his foot. He had one eyebrow arched, his jaw clenched.
    Zac jumped over and grabbed Matt around his waist. He picked the man up and tossed him over his shoulder. Glancing at Aiden’s laughing face,

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