Chain of Illusions (Bringer and the Bane)
used to make extra coin by selling what she made in the market on Saturdays.”
    Shame pinched at Rell. It was easy to believe that others hadn’t suffered as greatly as she had when she was a Bane. But when Delphina spoke of her life, Rell was humbled by the woman’s strength. “I’m sure she does beautiful work.”
    Delphina beamed at the girl, causing Serena to blush.
    “Perhaps I can start making the gown while you lot are gone.” The woman circumvented the island in the middle of the kitchen, wiping her hands on her apron. “I’ll just need to take your measurements before you leave.”
    Taken aback by Delphina’s generous gift, Rell struggled to find the right words. “Thank you. That’s incredibly generous.”
    She waved a hand in the air. “It’s my pleasure.” She looked at Willa. “As long as your mum don’t mind me taking the reins on this. I don’t want to overstep my position.”
    “Of course I don’t mind.” Willa untied the dirty rag from about her waist. “Perhaps Jacob has some old gowns we can repurpose.” She propped her hands on her hips and smiled at Delphina. “Or if we’re really lucky, maybe he’ll take us to the market to purchase everything we need. Jade told me about a little shop that carries the most amazing fabric.”
    Lord Le Daun’s feeling for Delphina were apparent, but she was a bit more difficult to read. Unable to resist, Rell smirked and said, “I believe if you allow Delphina to ask him, you’ll get everything you need.”
    The woman’s eyes grew wide and she sputtered an incoherent retort. Willa cupped a hand over her mouth in an unsuccessful effort to hide her smile. Obviously enjoying her mother’s discomfort, Serena giggled.
    “Come now, Delphina,” Siban said, joining in the fun. “Surely you’ve seen the way he looks at you?”
    “Lord Le Daun is a gentleman and would never be drawn to the likes of me.”
    Willa’s expression softened. “You mean a beautiful woman who has turned his cold manor into a home again?”
    Delphina opened her mouth to reply and then closed it, her gaze drifting to the wooden island. She scratched her thumbnail against the grain and fidgeted. “He couldn’t possibly fancy me.” She paused, sliding a glance to her daughter. “I’m soiled.”
    For the first time since Rell had been turned, she felt a kinship with another female. In a rare urge to comfort, she stepped forward and took Delphina’s hand. “You are no more tainted than I am.”
    The woman looked at her and swallowed hard. “But you didn’t have no control over being turned Bane.”
    “And you didn’t have any control over your mother selling you to a pleasure house.” Whether from Delphina’s emotions or her own outrage, fury rolled through Rell. “Even though life was difficult, you not only survived, but cared for your children and put their needs above your own.” Rell inhaled, trying to get control of her ire. “You are not soiled.”
    Serena wound her arms around her mother’s waist. “Mummy, you’re the best person I know.”
    Delphina swallowed and hugged her daughter. “No, you are the best person I know, love.”
    “Jacob Le Daun is lucky that you are in his life.” Trying to lighten the mood, Rell gave a half smile. “But I think he already realizes that.”
    Siban chuckled. “As a matter of fact, I think you are the only one who hasn’t realized that.”
    “Well…” Delphina straightened away from Serena and ran her hands down the front of her skirt. “The man must be daft.” She patted her hair. “I look like a scullery maid.”
    Willa walked around behind Delphina and untied her apron. “Now, why don’t you freshen up and then go ask Jacob about buying supplies for Rell’s gown. I’m fairly certain he’ll say yes.”
    Delphina bustled out of the kitchen, muttering to herself.
    “If I know Jacob,” Willa said, “he’d give her the world if she asked.”
    Siban squeezed Rell’s shoulder. “Love will do that

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