Celtic Rain (The Battle Raven Series)

Celtic Rain (The Battle Raven Series) by Isabelle Stewart Page B

Book: Celtic Rain (The Battle Raven Series) by Isabelle Stewart Read Free Book Online
Authors: Isabelle Stewart
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language of their own. Fortunately Danann and Milesian scouts worked together and obtained copies and it grew from there.”
    “That makes sense.” she said and let out a huge yawn. “Thank you for answering. Good night.” she said and put the travel pillow under her head and closed her eyes.
    Eion started to say good night to Lara but noticed as he was ready to say it she was already fast asleep. He cast a simple spell at the front of the cave blocking the entrance. Now only Kedryn and Aodhan could find it and walk through. Anyone else that would look at it would see a wall of stone. Eion closed his eyes and willed himself to sleep.

Chapter 7
    As Lara slept Kedryn and Aodhan were scouting in the surrounding woods. Aodhan stood up after examining tracks and felt a jolt.
    “We will not have to worry about Niall being anywhere close. He just left. You can go back to camp and get some rest.” Aodhan said.
    “How do you know? What about the other?” Kedryn said as he examined the trees and brush surrounding them.
    “I can feel it. I have seen no sign of Damon being close. The tracks we found were not that fresh. Go on and head back.”
    “I’m not tired yet. I would like to learn some more about tracking and scouting. Besides I know you need a fresh set of eyes. It’s been a long day and night.” Kedryn said as he gave Aodhan a hopeful look.
    “I hope your mother can get some rest. She is most likely wondering if you are safe.”
    Aodhan switched the direction that they were walking and every once in a while checked the ground and a broken branch here and there. Kedryn followed him listening to Aodhan’s explanations. Amazingly enough he was keeping up.
    After a while of wandering around Kedryn started thinking about what Aodhan had said earlier. He pushed back a limb of a tree in front of him and watched as it snapped back behind him.
    “I’m sure mom will be fine. She hasn’t slept well all weekend being excited about giving a lecture and starting the dig. I guess she will not be able to finish that one and it will probably be passed onto her assistant.” He squatted next to Aodhan. “Anyway, she’s probably out cold right now. What’s that?”
    “You tell me.” Aodhan said as he glanced at him.
    Kedryn studied the half print of a boot and stood up looking to the West. “It was the Firbolg.”
    Aodhan looked proudly at him. “Very good. You learn quickly.”
    “Why hasn’t he translocated yet?” Kedryn asked.
    “I have no idea. He may have overexerted himself somehow and does not have the energy. This does not make sense. See how the tracks move back and forth here? It was the same back behind where we had just come from.” Aodhan said and stood. He followed the trail to make sure it didn’t veer back around and jumped onto a small flat rock scanning the area.
    “Tell me again. What was it exactly that your mother does?” Aodhan jumped off of the rock and began walking again.
    Kedryn almost stopped in his tracks but he was following Aodhan and didn’t want to fall behind. He decided that later, he would sneak a peek at his mom and Aodhan. It couldn’t hurt any.
    “Why so interested?” he asked with a sound of amusement in his voice.
    Thrown off by the question Aodhan turned sharply and looked at Kedryn.
    “For one I will be training her tomorrow. I would like to know how she thinks. I would like to have a plan of what to do.”
    Aodhan felt the jolt of Damon translocate. “Damon is gone.”
    “Does it hurt to feel them?”
    “Just a quick shock. Nothing more. Back to your mother’s training. I spent the warm season with Carrick my cousin Shanna’s husband. He had different ways to train certain soldiers so that all would understand exactly what he wanted.”
    Kedryn leaned against a tree trunk and crossed his arms in front of him. He studied Aodhan and wondered who would be training who. Especially if his mom remembered her training.
    Aodhan raised an eyebrow as he studied Kedryn and

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