Celtic Rain (The Battle Raven Series)

Celtic Rain (The Battle Raven Series) by Isabelle Stewart Page A

Book: Celtic Rain (The Battle Raven Series) by Isabelle Stewart Read Free Book Online
Authors: Isabelle Stewart
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your training. However, it is rightfully yours.”
    She examined the box in her hands. It was heavy and looked and felt to be pewter. The color was a greenish gray and it had a raised Celtic cross on top with two ruby eyed ravens inlayed into the cross. There was Celtic knot work on either side. It was big enough that she had to use both hands. She looked at the sides and there were Celtic symbols and ravens also with rubies for eyes.
    “How do I open it?” she asked looking at the top and sides of the box.
    “Push the two rubies on top at the same time and the latch will release.”
    Lara pushed on the ruby eyes and she heard a click. The lid opened a crack and she carefully lifted the lid to see an emerald green velvet lining along with some items glinting in the firelight inside. She pulled out a delicately carved bronze cloak clasp, two thick leather and metal bracers, hair pins and a necklace.
    As she examined the necklace in the firelight the pendant shined and sparkled in her hands. It had a delicately carved Celtic raven with intertwined knot work and ruby eyes. She looked the rest over and all were a perfect match to the hilt of the dagger.
    “I’m not sure if I have earned the right to wear these yet.” Lara said as she placed the items back into the box and set it aside.
    “The items belonged to the War Goddess Badb. You are the rightful heir. My family has been holding onto that box for generations. Now I release it to you.” Eion said.
    “I am honored. I will wear them when I’m worthy to.”
    “There is another thing.” he said and pushed one of the rubies on the side.
    A compartment on the bottom fell open and a strap of black leather and a leather sheath fell out. Lara examined them and saw that both were inlayed with the same Celtic cross and symbols that were on the box. He showed her that the strap formed a belt and ran it through two loops that were attached to the leather sheath. He picked up the metal sheath she had for the dagger and it slid in perfectly.
    “That’s convenient.” she said as she stifled a yawn.
    “Get some sleep. You look dead tired.” Eion said as he wrapped his cloak tightly around him. “Aodhan starts your training tomorrow and he will not go easy on you.”
    “I would not expect anything less. Speaking of them” Lara said with a little concern in her voice “Where are they? It’s been a while.”
    “Do not worry. It may be a little longer since Aodhan took Kedryn with him to scout. Kedryn will be safe with him.”
    “I understand. Do you need a blanket? There is an extra one in here.” Lara said as she pulled out a blanket and small pillow out of Kedryn’s pack.
    “Thank you. The cloak I am wearing has many uses.” Eion pulled his cloak tighter around him and found a spot by the fire to rest.
    Lara wound her blanket around her and lay down. She turned facing Eion and the fire.
    “One more thing i f you don’t mind me asking.”
    “One more. Then sleep.”
    “How is it that you know how to speak English? I would think that you c ould only speak Gaelic or some version of the Celtic language.”
    He yawned. “Good question. Quick version.”
    “Thank you.” She smiled at him trying to look innocent.
    Eion got into a comfortable position and stared at the cave ceiling. “I will fill in the tale later. Faolan’s grandfather Murphy had found out the secrets of the portal. When he came back through he had brought some books with Celtic and Gaelic to English translations. The Gaelic has been seriously altered since the war goddesses went through.”
    “The Gaelic you were speaking at the portal is the same language that has been passed down through generations in my family. Keep it in the family Grams used to always say.” she said pushing the thought of family from her mind. She needed sleep and if depression sunk in there would be none.
    “The books were given to Murphy’s son after he passed on. The family thought that they could use it as a secret

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