Cats in Heat

Cats in Heat by Asha King

Book: Cats in Heat by Asha King Read Free Book Online
Authors: Asha King
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yesterday, hadn’t he? About being careful, about not trusting anyone, even people she knew, when she was outside of her house. And she was far, far from her house now .
    She looked at Robbie again—good, reliable, sweet Robbie, that logic said—
    Don’t trust anyone .
    The hell with logic. She had to start listening to her gut.
    Addie swallowed dryly. “What about my grandmother?”
    “You need to know who she was.”
    “I already—”
    “Because you’re the same.”
    Play dumb . “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
    “Yes, you do. Listen.” He leaned forward, the table creaking under his elbows. “I know you’re probably freaked out but I’m not here to hurt you—”
    “Newsflash: people don’t announce they’re not here to hurt someone when they actually don’t plan to hurt them.”
    He winced and no matter how she looked at him, he still seemed like Robbie. And Robbie wouldn’t actually hurt her, she didn’t think, but thoughts were swirling in her head and she couldn’t think clearly anymore.
    My house—I need to be in my house . Erik had said as much and everything in her said it was true.
    “I know how this sounds,” he continued. “I told you, I wanted to wait. But there are people in town and they’re dangerous to you. It’s my job to ensure you’re safe.”
    She cocked a brow in skepticism. “Your job ?”
    “Just listen. I know have someone in your house.”
    Ice flashed through her body, her veins running cold. “How do you know who’s in my house?”
    He raised his hands in a defensive gesture. “We don’t have time for that. But the point is, others are looking for him and until you know the truth, you’re vulnerable. They’ll find him— and you—if you don’t listen to me.”
    “Who the hell are you?”
    “I’m someone who wants to help you make it out of here alive.”
    Shit. Oh shit.
    He must’ve read her expression. “I know, I know, none of this is coming out right. If your mom had just told you—”
    The bartender interrupted, carrying their beers, and Robbie sat up straight, all polite smiles again instead of dead seriousness. As the bartender set down the drinks Addie saw her chance. She locked her fingers around her purse, abruptly slid to the end of the booth, and ran.
    Robbie shouted something behind her but she didn’t listen, instead ducking outside. Thunder cracked above, the wind howling around her. She only glanced around briefly before she bolted around the side of the building and down the next alley. Sure, maybe Robbie wasn’t totally nuts, but no way was she sitting in the damn bar having a conversation about this with him. She needed to be home . That was all she was sure of. Home was safety, sanctuary , and Erik...
    Erik knows what’s going on. He might know what Robbie was going to say . And at least she was one hundred percent certain Erik wouldn’t harm her, which was more than she could say for a whole lot of people right in that moment.
    She continued running, around another building and onto a side street. Havelock wasn’t terribly big but it had plenty of small streets and twisty corners—it was easy to lose a person who might be looking for you.
    The air was cool and smelled of fresh rain, though only a fine mist was falling. Addie glanced around, gathered her bearings, and started the long way around. She hadn’t brought a cell phone—she usually forgot it at home considering she didn’t travel far enough to really need one for emergencies—but if she ducked into a store and used someone’s phone, she could get a cab home.
    Home. Erik.
    I hope he’s still there.
    If he wasn’t, she didn’t want to think about what she’d do.
    She stopped worrying, clutched her purse tightly, and ducked down another side street. The wind rushed violently between buildings and tree leaves in the distance rustled. She felt a prickle over her skin, the fine hairs on her arms rising, and then lightning cracked and

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