Catalyst (The Best Days #1)

Catalyst (The Best Days #1) by Delaina Lake

Book: Catalyst (The Best Days #1) by Delaina Lake Read Free Book Online
Authors: Delaina Lake
Hilary Trudeau and Jeremy Beal?  That’s probably the most insulting part of it all.  They’re the most offensive, vile people I’ve ever met and yet my sister prefers them to me.
    Rory’s embarrassed by me.  I can tell.  She doesn’t sit with me at lunch anymore or even so much as acknowledge me when she passes me in the hallway between classes.  It’s like she’s decided that it’s easiest to pretend I don’t exist. 
    When it first started, I wondered what I’d done to deserve it.  Eventually I realized that it’s not me who’s the problem…it’s her.  She pretends to be someone she’s not around all those catty girls she eats “lunch” with every day in the cafeteria.  I don’t know why she bothers – is she really that insecure? 
    What’s so awful about being related to me, anyway?  So I don’t waste money on brand name clothes or suck up to the bitchy girls or swoon all over the idiot football players.  I’d rather go to the library than go shopping and I don’t go to parties.  Yeah, I’m a nerd, but why is that so bad? 
    At least I’m real.  At least I’m not inconsiderate and self-serving and superficial.  I never would have ditched Rory the way she ditched me.  Some days I wish we spent more time together, but then other days I look at what she’s turned into and think to myself that maybe it’s for the best that we don’t. 
    I hate the person she’s become.
    Rory set the journal down and furiously blinked back tears.  The words on the page stung.  It hurt to know that Rebecca saw her that way, and it hurt even more to know th at Rebecca was probably right. 
    While Rory didn’t consider herself to be superficial or inconsiderate, she could understand why Rebecca thought that of her.  She had allowed her pursuit of popularity to govern her every move – to the point of ignoring her own, less popular sister at school.  It wasn’t right.  Rory was misguided, yes, but she wasn’t the selfish narcissist Rebecca’s journal made her out to be.  She felt bad about what she’d done and who she’d become.
    Rory had known all along that it wasn’t right, but had shoved her feelings of guilt to the side, telling herself there would be plenty of time to make things up to Rebecca later.  Yes, Rory was popular, but at what cost? 
    She missed her sister.
    Remembering the task at hand, Rory thumbed through the journal until she r eached the end.   Rebecca’s most recent entry had been written three days ago.  Rory’s brow furrowed as she zeroed in on the words halfway down the page:
    There’s a huge party planned for this Friday at the new girl, Grace’s house.  Rory, of course, desperately wants to go.  It probably has something to do with that moron Carson. 
    If he’s anything like the rest of the football team (and why wouldn’t he be?) then he’s bad news.  Rory should stay far, far away from him but unfortunately common sense seems to be something my sister lacks.  Her judgment seriously sucks; just look at the snotty girls she calls her friends.  What’s she thinking?
    I told Mom that Grace’s parents aren’t going to be home.  I acted like I’d just blurted it out without thinking, but that wasn’t true.  I said it on purpose.  I wanted Mom to tell Rory she couldn’t go.   I know how desperate Rory is to go to that stupid party and yet I went out of my way to keep it from happening.
    I don’t know why I did it.  Maybe part of me is angry that Rory leaves me out of everything.  Even though I don’t want to go to parties, it would be nice if she at least asked me to tag along.  High school changed my sister.  One day I was good enough to hang out with and the next, even though I hadn’t changed, I was suddenly an embarrassment. 
    I’d be lying if I said it didn’t hurt.
    I think along with revenge, I also subconsciously hoped that it would mean Rory had to stay home and hang out with me.  Maybe we could revive our scary movie

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