Cat 'N Mouse

Cat 'N Mouse by Yvonne Harriott

Book: Cat 'N Mouse by Yvonne Harriott Read Free Book Online
Authors: Yvonne Harriott
    “It’s an organization that helps children with Sickle Cell Anemia and provides support for the families of those children. I lost my sister at a young age to the disease and watched it destroy my parents’ marriage because they couldn’t cope. They didn’t have anyone to talk to and they didn’t talk to each other. Robyn’s Nest provides support whether it’s financial or emotional. Dennis leads the research team in working on finding a cure and just generally understanding the nature of the disease. That’s the technical side of it.”
    “You said Alexandria works for Robyn’s Nest. What does she do?”
    “I think you should ask her that question,” Robyn said with a gentle smile.
    “Do you think she’d tell me if I did?”
    “Probably not. She organizes the fundraising gala every year and she brings in the money with her connections. That’s a major part of her job. That takes the whole year to plan. I should know. I did it before she took it over. She also works with the kids, reads to them and sits with them while their parents grab a bite to eat. She really connects with the kids.”
    “You don’t read about the work that she does in the papers.”
    “Where would you read about it, Sam—in the gossip magazines? It’s not juicy enough. Some of these so called journalists know that she volunteers with us but it doesn’t sell papers. After all, she’s Warren Prescott’s daughter and since they can’t get at him, they use her as a punching bag.”
    “She goes along with it. Why?”
    “I’ve known her for years and I haven’t been able to figure it out. Maybe you can. What you see out there is not the real Alexandria, Sam.” Robyn pointed to the living room. “The clothes, the jewelry, the car…it’s not really her. It’s a defense mechanism because everyone comes to her with their hands outstretched.”
    Dennis came in the kitchen. “Hey, babe,” he glanced from Sam to Robyn. “Looks like I interrupted something intense.”
    “We’re just talking.”
    “About Alex?” Dennis guessed.
    “You know she hates it when you call her that. Oh, by the way, the crack you made at dinner was uncalled for.”
    “I know, I know,” Dennis said laughing. “I’ll apologize again. Anyway, she’s asleep.”
    “We better go. Thanks for dinner.”
    “Thanks for bringing her,” Robyn said. “I didn’t think she would come after what happened.”
    “You’re not the type she normally brings around,” Dennis said and took the mug of coffee Robyn handed him, leaning against the counter.
    “I gather you don’t approve of the types she brings around.”
    “It’s not for us to approve or disapprove of what she does or who she dates,” Robyn said looking at Sam. It wasn’t that warm and friendly look she had given him a moment ago. Robyn cared about Alexandria a great deal. The way she came to her defense was like a mother protecting her child.
    “Easy, babe, I don’t think he meant anything by it.”
    “It was merely an observation based on Dennis’ comment.”
    “Sorry. It’s just that her father has such a hold on her. The more she tries to break away, the tighter he holds on. Is that why you’re here? To keep an eye on her and report back to Mr. Prescott?”
    “Give the guy a break, babe?”
    “It’s not like that, Robyn, but if you want to know why I’m here, you should ask Alexandria.” Sam placed the mug on the counter, coffee untouched. “We better get going. Thanks for dinner.”
    Sam left them in the kitchen and headed for the living room. Alexandria was asleep on the sofa, her shoes on the floor in front of her.
    He leaned over her and touched her cheek. It was surprisingly warm. “Wake up, Princess, it’s time to go,” he whispered.
    She opened her eyes stretching like a kitten. Sleepy and sexy. The deep plunge in the front of her top left nothing to the imagination as she just about stretched right out of it.
    “What time is it?” She yawned.
    Sam checked

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