Carpathian Wolf: A BBW Wolf-Shifter Romance (Shift Your Fate Book 0.5)

Carpathian Wolf: A BBW Wolf-Shifter Romance (Shift Your Fate Book 0.5) by Cara Wylde

Book: Carpathian Wolf: A BBW Wolf-Shifter Romance (Shift Your Fate Book 0.5) by Cara Wylde Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cara Wylde
then walked straight to Becca and hugged her tightly.
    Becca’s smile froze on her face for a second then she relaxed in the awkward embrace and patted the woman on the back lightly. She wasn’t used to hugging people she had only seen once before.
    “Hi. I just wanted to drop by to thank you.”
    “You’re welcome, my dear! But I didn’t do anything. I just told you that you needed a vacation and Segesvar was the best place to go this time of year.”
    Becca looked at her puzzled. “What are you talking about? You know exactly what you told me: that I would find my destiny there. I didn’t believe you, but I went anyway. And here I am now, ready to admit my ignorance and apologize for my behavior a week ago. You were right! I did find my destiny there, and guess what! I brought it with me to New York!” She laughed wholeheartedly. “Actually… him. I brought him with me.”
    Kassandra shook her head stubbornly. “I might have told you a couple of things only an empath could know, but what happened in Segesvar was all you. All you and your wonderful man.”
    Becca cocked an eyebrow, but didn’t insist. She hadn’t come here to argue. She had come to thank her, yes, but that wasn’t all.
    “I’d love some of that fabulous tea of yours,” she said.
    Kassandra studied her suspiciously for a second, then smiled broadly and invited her in the back room. While waiting for the old woman to come back with their tea, Rebecca went over the proposition she wanted to present to her for the hundredth time that day. Her idea was good. She was sure of it. Almost as good as The Order of the Severins.
    “So, have you taken many pictures?” Kassandra set the tea in front of her, then took her own cup and sat down in the opposite chair.
    “Thousands! Not even I have the patience to look at all of them at once.”
    Kassandra nodded in approval. They were silent for a while. The woman felt that Becca had come to tell her something else, and Becca knew it.
    “Listen, I…” Suddenly, she wasn’t sure how to begin. She took another sip of tea, then cleared her throat and tried again. “I think Shift Your Fate has a lot of potential.”
    “How so?”
    “You’re running it and advertising it as if it’s a mystical shop, but we both know it’s not. All the things and small trinkets you sell in the other room are just a distraction, aren’t they? You can help people, Kassandra. You can actually help people. Why don’t you let everyone know you’re an empath? I found you thanks to someone who knew you, but there are so many women like myself out there who have been looking for the right man since… since forever. You, with your special gift, can help them.”
    The woman sighed and put her cup down. “It doesn’t work that way, my dear. You found me because it was the right time for you. People come to see me every day about various problems. Sometimes it’s about family, other times it’s about money, their job, or a relationship that doesn’t work. I try to help them the best I can, but the truth is that I can’t work miracles. People must want to help themselves first.”
    “Yes, absolutely! I understand that. But there are so many women who only need a bit of guidance, a nudge. Or… or they need someone to tell them there’s still hope, to let them know there’s someone out there just for them. You can do that. Shift Your Fate can become such a huge and extraordinary thing!”
    “Shift Your Fate is exactly what it needs to be, Rebecca. Those who need me will find out about me one way or another. They don’t need to read about me in the newspaper or see me on TV. That would defeat the whole purpose of… fate.” She smiled encouragingly. She hated to see Rebecca so disappointed, but she knew what she was talking about. “Look: if you know someone who could use my help, send them over. I will gladly try to help anyone you believe might need it. But no, I have no intention of changing anything about Shift

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