Safe In His Arms (Motorcycle Club Romance, New Adult Romance): Devil's Riders (Hot Blooded Heroes)

Safe In His Arms (Motorcycle Club Romance, New Adult Romance): Devil's Riders (Hot Blooded Heroes) by Joanna Blake

Book: Safe In His Arms (Motorcycle Club Romance, New Adult Romance): Devil's Riders (Hot Blooded Heroes) by Joanna Blake Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joanna Blake
up to the front door. He rang the doorbell.
                  "Bring her in here son!"
                  "Yes Mrs. Donahue."
                  He held Sally around the waist and he guided her to the bright and cheerful kitchen. He eased her into a chair. Mrs. Donahue walked over, wiping her hands on her apron. She was stunning, if older, with long black hair and blue eyes. Just like Donnie's.
                  "Tsk tsk. Look at you honey. Who did this to you?"
                  "My ex."
                  Mrs. Donahue started talking and didn't stop while she gently examined Sally's face.
                  "Not the first time either was it? Well don't worry, I've got plenty of experience with this. First myself. Then the kids. And then Donnie getting into every scrape he could. I sweat you would think that boy had magnets in his fists."
                  She pulled at Sally's silk top.
                  "Take this off honey. You can go now Mike."
                  "Donnie told me to stick around. Okay if I sit on the porch?"
                  "Course honey. I'll bring you out some iced tea in a little while. Send Marie in if you see her."
                  She sat very still while Donnie's mother tended to her. The older woman tsk'd a few more times but was otherwise silent. She knew what she was doing too- being as gentle as possible while thoroughly cleaning all the cuts and abrasions. She finished everything off with an ointment and bandages.
                  "Best to let some of these breath. Just covered up the worst of them."
                  "Thank you."
                  Mrs. Donahue laughed.
                  "Girl, you're the first woman Donnie's brought home to me. I'd knit you a sweater if you were cold. Now then, you want a bourbon and a lie down? I don't have anything stronger than a Tylenol."
                  Sally shook her head. She didn't want to fall asleep. Not until she knew that Donnie was okay.
                  That he hadn't done anything stupid on her behalf.
                  "No thank you. But I'd like some coffee if you have it."
                  "Afraid to go to sleep eh? Don't blame you. I don't have coffee though. Just tea."
                  "That'd be fine, thank you. I just- I just want to see Donnie when he gets back."
                  That made Mrs. Donahue beam. She brewed a pot of tea and poured Sally a cup. She was sipping it when a beautiful teenage girl came in.
                  "Come here Marie, say hello to Sally. She's Donnie's good friend."
                  Marie came over and gave Sally a shy little curtsy. It would have been adorable on a child but Marie was a lovely young woman. She was also simple. That was plain to see when you looked into her eyes.
                  Sally's heart twisted when she thought about all that this family had been through. She looked around again, not wanting them to see the pity in her eyes. She started noticing the fine craftsmanship of the home. It had been meticulously restored and renovated.
                  "You have a beautiful house Mrs. Donahue."
                  "Oh this here is Donnie's place."
                  "I thought he lived in the house next door?"
                  "That's Donnie's place too. We live here, but he owns 'em both. The barn too. Though you probably knew that."
                  Sally shook her head slowly. She had no idea Donnie was so well off. In fact, she had no idea what he even did at all. His mother was looking at her shrewdly.
                  "You don't have a clue about him do you? Just some pretty boy on a bike with nice eyes?"
                  Sally frowned. She didn't think of him

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