Captured Rapture: 3 (Mercy)

Captured Rapture: 3 (Mercy) by Lexxie Couper

Book: Captured Rapture: 3 (Mercy) by Lexxie Couper Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lexxie Couper
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Chapter One
    I never knew what hit me. One
moment I’m skimming over the surface of Mercy’s beta moon, its dull red ground
a blurred carpet below me, its dry, cold air filling my lungs…
    The next I’m flat on my back,
wrists pinned to the powdery grit, legs spread, with a man roughly six-foot-seven
pressing down on me. A cock that felt like a Tallaxion viper—y’know the really
big, thick ones they find in the Furthest Jungles—rammed at the junction of my
thighs, shoving at the lips of my sex with a brutal force that should have
pissed me off but instead made my pulse leap and my mouth turn dry.
    I stared up at whoever the fuck
held me down, glaring into eyes the color of an angry Earth sky. A lone female
on a jet cycle probably looked like an easy target, but for fuck’s sake, I wore
the uniform of a Galactic Union Enforcer. What type of idiot, no matter how
desperate to claim a woman, jumped a cop? Especially one flying across a moon
at almost twice the safe propulsion speed with an Aglaian disruptor on her
right hip?
    “This kind,” the hulking man who
felt like granite murmured, jerking my wrists above my head. He locked them in
one large fist and yanked my disruptor from its thigh harness before I could
    Or digest the fact he’d answered a
question I hadn’t asked aloud.
    His mouth crashed down on mine,
claiming my lips as his property. I could feel the possession in the fierce and
frightening way his tongue invaded my mouth, plunging and plundering. Merciless
and savage. Taking what I wasn’t giving. Well, what I was trying not to
    Truth be known, I was getting
aroused. More than aroused. If the man had reached between my spread, kicking
legs right at that point, any point actually—like the point when his teeth
nipped my bottom lip and sent shards of wicked pain into my center—he would
have found the crotch of my uniform damp with musky pleasure.
    I’d been kissed many times by Raavelian
alpha slaves, by Slessorian Master Pleasurers, but none kissed the way
    Gods. This male kissed .
    His mouth fucked mine. There was
simply no other way to explain it. His mouth did to my mouth what a cock should
do to a cunt. It delved deep, took everything and returned it all back
ten-fold. His tongue lashed at the inside of my mouth, whipped at the edges of
my teeth, mated with a need so untamed I felt the building pressure low in the
pit of my stomach. Gods, I was going to come. From a kiss. A kiss.
    My attacker—for what else could I
call him?—dragged his lips from mine and scored a scalding line along my
clenched jaw to my ear. “From my kiss,” he whispered,as if he’d
once again heard my unspoken thoughts, before biting down on my earlobe.
Ribbons of wet sensations rippled down my neck, across my chest to my belly. My
nipples pinched hard, pushing against the restrictive confines of my uniform,
and I whimpered.
    Who are you ?
    The thought hadn’t finished forming
in my mind when he pulled away slightly, just enough to feel the cool kiss of
the moon’s dry air on my cheeks. His free hand, the one that had sent my
favorite disruptor flying who-knows-where, closed tightly over my breast, and I
gasped, reveling in the absolute rapture that spiraled through me from the
brutal possession.
    “I’m the one you’ve always dreamed
of.” His fingers pressed into the swell of my breast and I whimpered again.
“The one you’ve always feared.”
    His cryptic words caressed my
senses, as soft as he was hard. His turgid length ground against my sex, trapped
beneath a layer of thick, coarse leather but still capable of making my clit
feel like it was on fire.
    I had to get away.
    No, you don’t.
    I was drowning in sensations I
hadn’t expected to be experiencing on a moon. Yes, in a sex-den; yes, after a
session with a masseur, but on the surface of Mercy’s least important moon? A
place more boring than a GU bureaucrat? While I was on recon? What would Fraz
do when I was late to

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