Captured Rapture: 3 (Mercy)

Captured Rapture: 3 (Mercy) by Lexxie Couper Page B

Book: Captured Rapture: 3 (Mercy) by Lexxie Couper Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lexxie Couper
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warm vibrations through my body. His smile—still all too
fuckable—turned smug. “Your dreams. Your nightmares. The one you lust for, long
for, yet the one you fear all the same.”
    His words stroked my senses, and an
echo of images flashed through my mind…
    A man, this man, locking my
wrists in io-cuffs, lifting them above my head until I stood naked before him,
arms stretched high, breasts thrust forward, my juices dribbling down the
insides of my thighs.
    Cold terror sliced through me and I
sucked in a sharp breath. The dream. One of many. Too many to number. Always
the same man, always the same situation.
    Me, captured. Bound. Fucked.
    Every time, I woke from it
screaming. Every time, I felt the ghost of my orgasm still shuddering in my
cunt. My worst nightmare. My greatest fantasy. Forced submission.
    For the first time since he’d
knocked me from my jet cycle and threw away my weapon, I truly struggled
to escape him. I had to. If I didn’t, every one of my dreams would become
reality. Of that I had little doubt. “Get. The fuck. Off. Me!”
    He pinched my nipple. Hard. “No.”
    Base pleasure surged into my core.
I writhed, desperate to buck him off me. All I achieved was grinding my pussy
harder to his cock.
    “As you want it to be,” he
whispered, his hand pressing my breast flat to my chest. He squeezed his
fingers and hot licks of pleasure shot deep into the center of my sex. “As I
will do for the rest of your life.”
    That was the last straw. His
arrogance was going to drive me crazy—or make me come.
    I whipped my legs up, locked them
around his hips and slammed them back to the ground, taking him along. It was
enough to jerk him partially off my body. Enough to take him by surprise.
    I scrambled backward, kicking out
with my right foot as I moved. My booted heel struck him in the jaw, and for a
split second I swore his dark-brown skin shimmered with pearlescent gold light.
Those piercing gray eyes of his flashed brilliant green, a hiss unlike any I’d
heard from a humanoid tore from his throat, and before I could change my mind I
kicked him again. Square in the nose.
    There was a crunch. There was
blood, but I didn’t give a rat’s ass. With the phenomenal agility that had seen
me finish at the top of my hand-to-hand combat class at the academy, I flipped
myself onto my hands and knees and launched from the ground.
    I ran across the craggy moon’s
surface at a dead sprint, my heart hammering, my sex still pulsing. My nipples
ached, hard with lustful desire, but I shut out their insistent want. My body
didn’t have a fucking clue what it wanted. I had to get away.
    Frantic, I scanned the desolate
terrain around me. Where the fuck was my jet cycle? The thing was programmed to
come to a complete halt once connection with its rider was broken. The second
the lunatic knocked me from its seat it should have ceased momentum, hovering
motionless in the exact spot my ass left its bio-tuned seat.
    A low growl from behind made my
heart leap faster. Shyte , he was coming after me.
    I didn’t risk looking over my
shoulder. Where the flying fuck was my jet cycle?
    Bright light glinted off something
metallic to my right and I changed direction, my heels skidding with chaotic traction
in the coarse red grains beneath my feet. There it was.
    Another growl flayed my back.
Closer. Louder. A shiver raced through me. My pussy pulsed. For a split second
the insane urge to stop running flooded through me. Stop running, let my
pursuer leap on me, slam me to the ground, rip my clothes from my body and bury
his shaft into my willing, sodden sex.
    I stumbled. My sprint faltered.
    What the fuck are you doing,
Raina? Run! Get away!
    The frantic scream sliced through
my head and, my blood roaring in my ears, I burst forward. My jet cycle was but
five feet away. Five never-ending, slow-motion, gods-cursed feet. I ran.
    Four feet. Three. Two.
    Fingers scraped my shoulder.
Strong, determined fingers that would make me moan

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