Captain's Surrender

Captain's Surrender by Alex Beecroft

Book: Captain's Surrender by Alex Beecroft Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alex Beecroft
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Historical, Gay
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Peter had any sensitivity at all, he must know how far he was pushing; he must have the sense to back off now, before it was too late.
"As to what you are willing to die for. I should like to know."
There were a number of objections Josh could have made, and he did try. He honestly did. With his blood singing and his mouth gone dry he did say "I ... don't wish to ... mistake your meaning."
Kenyon's right hand stroked over Josh's shoulder, came to rest on the back of his neck, the thumb moving slightly, raising the hairs on his nape in a shiver of delight. By themselves, his eyes had half closed, his face tilted up in mute offering, primed and waiting. He made a last ditch defense. "I don't want you to do ... anything you'd ... regret."
And Peter closed the distance between them. They were touching, Josh could feel the planes of that hard chest, was surrounded, invaded by Peter's heat, his scent. Peter was looking down with wide eyes, his own breath coming ragged now, as Josh's fever infected him. "I should like to kiss you," he said, decidedly. "Unless you object?"
Even the man's voice was like being coated in molasses and licked clean. How was anyone supposed to object to that? "Christ no!" Josh leaned in, surrendering. "I mean yes, sir, kiss me. Oh, yes. Yes, please !"
* * * *
    I shouldn't be doing this. Peter snaked an arm around Josh's waist, pleased and intrigued by the way even this small touch made his friend's pulse quicken. He could feel the gasped breath fill the chest pressed against his, and it was uncharted waters from now on, with the forbidden lying like a reef beneath the surface—dangerous, exciting.
    How different! He had been lucky enough to know two young ladies in his life, and it seemed natural now to gather his partner gently into his arms, to hold back, careful of her frailty, filled with reverence for a lover so small, so easily hurt. But Andrews was over six feet tall and broader across the shoulders than Peter was himself. Nothing soft about him, and delicate only in spirit. I really should not be doing this .
    But he wanted to. The kiss they'd shared onboard the Nimrod had proved another difference. Drunk, faint, and taken by surprise though he had been, he would have needed complete insensibility to miss the fact that Andrews wanted him with a fury.
    Both of the ladies Peter had courted had been respectable, and as such they were untainted by lust, accepting his advances out of generosity—pity even. He had always felt vile for imposing on them—a seducer and debaucher of innocent young women whom he had no real intention of marrying; a libertine, a ruiner of lives. With Andrews there would be none of that. No selfishness, no guilt.
    He leaned in, barely having to tilt his head, and tentatively touched his lips to Josh's. That ... wasn't so bad. Really, it wasn't. The mouth was warm and firm, the lower lip full, yielding, tempting him to bite. Shifting slightly to press closer, he licked it, tasting, and was rewarded with a little whimper that made him feel warm from head to feet. Mmm ... yes, nice.
    Josh's arms went around him, pulling him close. A strong hand was behind his head, a second splayed against his spine, stroking down. Easily as that, the balance shifted, and it was no longer him kissing Andrews, but Andrews kissing him—with an ardor that quite undid him. No one had ever, ever wanted him this much.
    It dawned on Peter that he was no longer in control—the responsibility had been taken out of his hands. Unless he wished to struggle like a reluctant maiden, it wasn't his fault that the hand had twisted into his hair, the kiss deepened and heated, or that the pressure of a hard thigh between his legs had grown into something rather more than merely nice. It was bizarre to be on the receiving end of a tide of desire he couldn't equal, unnatural to be the one who had to be coaxed, pleased, seduced, but—God!—the relief! The uncomplicated joy of it.
    He heard himself make a low

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