Ashes to Ashes
dispensed by both drugs dealers and psychiatrists.
    Had drugs changed Scott?
    “I need to talk about a couple of other
things, while I am here,” Ashe told Warden Chase.
    She perked up at her desk. “Hit me.”
    “I need to make some changes to my first two
appointments,” he replied.
    “How so?”
    “I am supposed to have a session with
Kentucky Jim in about 20 minutes,” Ashe began, “but I think it
should be rescheduled two weeks from now. He is doing real well at
coping with his the point that he hasn't had any kind
of outbursts for a few months. There is no need to see him so
frequently any more. Once a month should be alright...for the time
    Warden Chase must have already had a blank
piece of paper on her desk, because she immediately began to jot
things down. She paused and simply said, “Okay.”
    “As for Foxy,” he continued. “I mean...Ms.
Taneesha Jones.”
    “What about her?” the warden asked, failing
to hide smirk.
    “You need to consider contracting from
outside of the prison to take over her case,” Ashe continued. “And
then maybe you should seriously consider my request for another on
site professional...female, to take over the female population of
the prison.”
    “The higher-ups are still considering the
request,” she replied. “They mumbled something about finding money
in our pathetic budget. The women of this institution too much for
you to handle, Dr. Walters ?”
    He sighed. Years ago, back when Ashe was
still dividing his time between the prison and consulting with the
YPD, there was more than just a single forensic psychologist
working. The prison had two part-time mental health professionals
who answered to a lead on-sight psychologist, Dr. Hadmira. Ashe was
one of those part-time employees, along with a woman psychologist,
Dr. Jennifer Goodwin.
    He didn’t go full-time at the prison until
Susanne’s death. After his wife’s murder he decided that the
catacombs of that particular stone prison would make a fine final
resting place for his tired bones. It was a decision he stood
behind, even when he didn’t fully understand why. He had to stick
with it. What else was he going to do?
    Not even six months after the decision, the
Wilson Maximum Security Prison lost important funding and, after
the forced retirement of Dr. Hadmira and the extermination of Dr.
Goodwin, Ashe found himself the solo psychologist, left behind to
deal with long hours and a mountain of work. It was exactly what he
had hoped, but he should have been slightly more cautious what he
had wished for.
    “Foxy...Ms. Taneesha Jones,” the psychologist
continued, “keeps trying to bribe me with sexual favors.”
    “It what way?”
    He sighed again.
    “Last session...she said that if I signed a
recommendation for her to be allowed time on the Yard again, she
would give me the...‘best blow job of my boring life.’ End
    “You make a note of it in the record?”
    “Of course.”
    “Why didn't you mention this to me
    “So many things going on.” He shook his head.
“I thought I could still be professional and objective,” Ashe
began, “but I don't see how that would be possible. I am too
uncomfortable in the situation and need to dismiss myself before
any ethical questions arise…real or make believe. If that is
    “If you would like,” Warden Chase agreed,
scribbling another quick notation. “That is the session after
Kentucky Jim?”
    Warden Chase jotted.
    “I will make sure the guards leave them in
their cells. Anything else?” she asked.
    “I need another session with Mr.
    The warden stiffened.
    “Today,” Ashe replied. “One o'clock should be
    “Why so soon?”
    “I came close to scratching the surface with
him,” he replied. “I need to touch the pan while it is still to say.”
    “Promise me something first,” Warden Chase ,
putting on her serious face.

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