mind about Kellie. My best hope to avoid a custody battle is to play Mr. Nice Guy. I can't bring her around if you secretly don't like her. Believe me, she can tell.” Johnathan still felt guilty at the way he handled his disgust for Kellie's lifestyle when he met her. How could he pass judgment? Didn't he take the same pills that night? Then again, it was different. The baby wasn't growing inside of him.
    “I'll be home as soon as I can change my flight arrangements. It will be tough with the holiday. But we can talk more when I get home, it's getting late there.”
    “Wait, that isn't it. Nancy cleaned out Jenn's trust fund.”
    “What!? How in the hell did she get access to that account?” she hissed.
    “I sent a dual sign check to Jenn for the full amount so she would believe me I set aside money for school. Nancy forged my signature. The entire $25,000 is gone.”
    “Oh Johnathan, why did you send a check to that house? You should have paid the school directly.”
    “I know, I know. But Jenn is having a hard time applying to schools, and I needed to assure her she had the means to go anywhere she wants. Josh and Ava's accounts are fine, I don't think she knows they exist.”
    Anna sighed into the phone. A few seconds passed before she responded.
    “It's a very noble thing you did, making those accounts for your brother and sisters. Have you contacted the authorities?”
    “No, Mr. Simms recommended I talk to you first.”
    “He is such a smart man.” After sharing a soft chuckle, Anna's voice became more serious than her stepson's. “Give me a few days after I get back. I'll get the money back for you. Let me talk to Nancy Jean.”
    “That money's gone and spent! We both know that. How are you going to force her to pay it back?” Johnathan calmed the anger in his voice. It wasn't Anna who stole from him and Jenn. It was Nancy Jean. Always her. “I don't know what you can really do about it. I want to call the police and throw her ass in jail.”
    “Trust me. I have more dirt on Nancy Jean DuBose than even she knows. I'll get the money back, one way or another.”
    “No buts. Let me do this for you. Consider it my last time going into battle with her.” Johnathan yawned and looked at the time. “You get yourself to bed, it's frightfully late there. I will send you my travel arrangements once I've made them.”
    “Okay. 'Night.”
    “Good night. Don't worry. It'll all work out, one way or another. You're going to be a great father.”
    Johnathan walked to his bedroom feeling hopeful. If Anna could understand the situation, maybe Alexis could too. Once he told her. At nearly 2 AM, Johnathan fell asleep without bothering to undress.
    Johnathan impersonated an automaton at work on Friday. Most of the day, he zoned out in his chair, fighting the urge to put his head on his desk. Alex had come in a few times during the day, but he couldn't really remember what they had talked about. At 4:55, she appeared in his doorway again.
    “You ready?”
    Johnathan moved his wild gaze from his computer screen and adjusted his sight on his girlfriend.
    “Ready?” she asked, again. Alex pointed to the clock above her on the wall. “Time to go. We're all having drinks at Fado's.”
    “I drove today.” Johnathan had overslept his alarm to make the Metro into work on time.
    “You drove? We have the Kennedy Center tonight. Driving will be a nightmare.”
    Johnathan cringed. She had bought tickets to the National Symphony Orchestra's Vivaldi performance, just for him.
    “I didn't sleep well last night. I slept through my alarm.” Johnathan rubbed his chin, trying to figure out a solution to the problem. He'd have to leave them to get drinks, drive home, and meet Alex at the restaurant for dinner.
    Alexis put her bag down on the table in Johnathan's office and crossed the office before unceremoniously plopping into his lap. Her eyes sparkled. Johnathan's body tensed from the shock of her

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