Can You See Me?

Can You See Me? by Nikki Vale

Book: Can You See Me? by Nikki Vale Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nikki Vale
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saw them, but bigger wasn’t always better.  I missed the tight-knit community of a small town.  I missed the small town where everybody knows your name and they greet you on the streets as you walk by.  So I moved back hoping that this small town boy would find a small town girl, settle down and get married.  But what do I do?  I fall for the city girl that just moved into the small town.
    Why can’t things just be simple?  I’m competing with Jon for Skye’s affection and she doesn’t even know it.  I’m in the hospital hallway pacing while the nurse gives her a sponge bath and I would do anything to be in there right now.  I’m no better than Jon, hell I’m probably worse.  I’m just better at keeping my thoughts to myself than he is.
    Nurse Mendoza opens the door to Skye’s room.  “It’s okay to come in now,” she informs me.
    I walk back into the room and Skye smiles at me sheepishly.  She’s so sweet.  She acts like she’s embarrassed that she had to have a bath.  She looks refreshed.  Her cheeks are rosy under her brown complexion and her hair looks soft and damp from being washed.
    “How are you feeling?” I ask her pulling a chair close to her bed.  She surprises me when she pats the bed next to her in invitation.  I don’t hesitate.  I sit down on the edge of the bed next to her thigh on the side without the cast.
    “I feel okay for having had a near-death experience,” she laughs lightly without humor.  “Honestly, I’m more emotionally drained than physically.  Dawn won’t come see me.  My mother is covering for her.  I’m not going to be able to work anytime soon and I don’t know how I’ll climb a flight of stairs to Summer’s apartment,” she sighs in exasperation.  “I swear I was better off in a coma.”
    She’s killing me.  I want so badly to take her in my arms and comfort her.  “Don’t say that,” I tell her running my hand over her silky hair until I’m cupping her cheek.  She leans her face into the palm of my hand like she needed to feel the contact as much as I needed to give it.  There’s something comforting to both of us in the simple gesture.  She rubs her smooth cheek against my palm a few times. I rub my thumb across her cheekbone and then gently remove my hand.
    “You can move in with me,” I quietly suggest.  “Hear me out,” I tell her before she gets the wrong idea.  “I need to keep an eye on you while I look for who did this to you,” I explain.  “I’ve already come to the conclusion that Dawn wasn’t the target and by the look on your face, you agree.  I live in a single story house with two spare bedrooms you can take your pick of either.  In case you were worried, I’ll be a perfect gentleman unless of course, you don’t want me to be.”
    I can’t believe I said that last part, but it’s too late it’s out there now and I can’t take it back.  She looks like she’s thinking it over and I’m waiting nervously for her response.  Having her close will definitely help me to keep an eye on her but it's going to wreak havoc on my libido.
    “Okay, I guess I can do that” she concedes, and I let out the breath I was holding.  “But under one condition.  This is a roommate type of situation and I will pay you to rent the room,” she states, leaving no room for debate.
    “Fine,” I tell her.  “Two hundred dollars a month,” I quote her.
    “That’s not enough money,” she claims, narrowing her eyes at me.  “It should be at least three hundred.”
    “Two fifty,” I counter.  I have no intentions of keeping a dime of her money, but she doesn’t need to know that.
    “Deal,” she agrees, sticking out her hand and smiling.  I take her hand and shake it, sealing the deal.  She doesn’t know it yet, but she’s just made a deal with the devil.  I smile back at her.
    “I’m back,” Summer says from the doorway.  “What’s going on in here?” she asks mischievously.

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