Cadet 3
    “You have nothing to worry about, Alfred,”
Hall assured him. “He is a very idealistic lad, a little
unrealistic at times, but absolutely loyal to me. Forget about him,
and let’s give Cafferson’s whores a going-away fuck, before we get
them out of our hair for good.”
    “I thought you told Sonny-boy you weren’t
going to hurt us,” Robin said. “He might be a trifle peeved if he
comes back to find us all dead.”
    Hall snorted. “I said you would be treated as
you deserved,” he said, “and you will, I promise. Don’t you worry
your tiny little brain about my son. He’s a big boy; he’ll get over
it. Besides, you three whores are about to have troubles of your
    The three men approached the prisoners and
pulled them up by their hair. The orange plastic ponchos that had
constituted their only garments were ripped from their bodies,
leaving them with no more covering than a layer of dirt.
    The room was equipped for what was
euphemistically called “enhanced interrogations”, previously known
as torture, which had been permitted under the Murchinson regime
but outlawed by Cafferson. Evidently, the men behind the creation
of the secret Naval Internal Security unit had not felt constrained
by the new rules. Their captors therefore had a wealth of devices
available to use on their captives.
    Robin and Merry were placed side-by-side in
identical positions by General Murchison and Admiral Carroll. They
were made to stand with their legs spread wide apart on stands six
inches above the floor. Their wrists were left cuffed together and
their elbows were forced painfully together with wires. Nooses at
the ends of ropes that wound through overhead pulleys were fitted
closely under the chins of the sisters.
    Admiral Hall seemed to bear a particular
animus for Jodie, and he had a different fate planned for her. She
was bent backwards around a metal drum, with her hands secured far
above her head and her legs splayed wide apart. The drum was on an
axle, and it could be rotated backwards until the occupant’s head
was submerged in a tank of water. There was also a small control
panel that could be used to dispense electric shocks in any
strength desired, and a selection of electrodes and clamps to
administer them to various parts of the subject’s body.
    While they were being tied up, Jodie tried to
keep their spirits up by telling jokes. “Hey Robin, I have a
riddle. What’s long and round and soft and filled with seamen?”
    “If you had said ‘long and round and hard ’, I would have guessed a submarine,” Robin answered.
“But I don’t know this one.”
    “Easy,” Jodie said. “It’s an Admiral’s
    Murchinson’s face worked as if he was trying
to suppress a laugh. Carroll reddened, and Hall continued to
tighten the cable stretching Jodie around the cylinder without any
visible reaction.
    “Here’s one for you, Jodie, awk …”
Merry began, then momentarily stopped as when Admiral Carroll
pulled on the rope around her neck, forcing her up on her toes to
escape strangulation. She continued haltingly in a hoarse, choked
voice. “How do… sailors get… their clothes… washed?”
    Jodie’s body was stretched to its limit
around the metal drum, and the strain on her joints, particularly
her shoulders and elbows, was becoming close to unbearable. Still,
she managed to grit out an answer. “That’s a trick… trick question. Ahh ! Everybody knows sailors… don’t wash .”
    At this, General Murchinson gave a snort of
laughter. “Good one,” he commented.
    “Here’s one for you,” snarled Admiral Hall
leaning down to bring his face an inch away from Jodie’s. “How long
does it take for a smart-mouth cunt to grow gills?” He pushed the
lever on the side of the drum, causing it to rotate backward and
plunge Jodie’s head into the tank of water. “Give up?” he asked.
“The answer is ‘too long’.”
    He picked up a thin, whippy metal rod, and
began to

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