Butterflies in Honey (Growing Pains #3)
Truth be told, Kate didn’t want the job, either. She liked where
she was. She got to coast while still making a decent income.
Krista needed her, though, as usual, so she bullied Kate into
    It was Friday and Krista was on her way up to
Sean’s office. He planned to have weekly meetings for the managers
that reported directly to him for progress reports. She could only
hope he got so busy, the idea went down the tubes. Something told
her that wasn’t likely. He wasn’t a man to give up easily, even to
dumb ideas.
    Usually Krista would be sipping a beverage
from her lucky mug, which still went with her to all meetings,
except that now she had to hide it from Sean. He knew what it
looked like and what it meant to her. He also knew he was the one
that basically bought it for her. Granted, it was a gift card, but
still, he was tied to it. She didn’t need him knowing she still
used it. It would muddy the waters, thereby firmly giving him the
upper hand.
    Krista arrived to his office area and checked
in with his matronly assistant.
    “Go right in, Krista. He’s expecting you,”
she said with a motherly smile.
    Krista smiled back and prepared for war. She
walked into the giant office filled with ornate cherry wood
furniture and nearly stopped dead. It looked like royalty belonged
there. It was a corner office, which was expected, with a door off
to the right half open, through which she could see a sink and the
edge of a shower, which was not as expected. There was a table and
six chairs in the corner, two massive, comfortable-looking chairs
in front of a giant desk, a few plants, a great view, and a
freaking oriental rug.
    Krista’s new office wasn’t even close to this
nice. Not even in the same galaxy. She dismally realized she had a
long way to go if she wanted to be on par with Sean McAdams. It was
humbling. And terrible.
    Sean was at his desk, head bowed over
something or other, when he noticed Krista walk in. “Krista.”
    “Hi Sean.” Krista sat down in front of
    He looked like he hadn’t slept all week. His
eyes were puffy and his face was pale. The spark had gone out of
him somewhat. “Tell me what you’ve done all week.”
    “Wow. Cut to the chase, huh?” she mumbled,
looking into her Sean folder, thankful she’d checked it
before she’d come up so she could remove the voodoo doll Kate
    “I figured you wanted to get in and get out.
If you would rather start with pleasantries…”
    “No, no, that’s fine. Just surprised is all.
Okay. First, Kate is going to take my place when I take Phil’s.
She’ll be in charge of hiring a new person if they need it. Right
now, they have slack in work, so I’m not sure they need to hire
    “Already making cut backs, huh?”
    “Unintentionally, yeah. Though if Tory asks,
then yes, already making cuts.” She chuckled, looking into her
    Sean didn’t crack a smile. “Understood. But
Krista, I would like to keep honesty between us—in our working
relationship. You need neither sell yourself short nor try to
overcompensate. It’s always been our way. With my other managers
I’m struggling with that. I would like to keep that pure between
    “Saying it how it is has never been a problem
for me, Sean,” Krista said into her lap. This conversation was
hitting a little too close to her Sean Hurt box. And thus, a
little too close to her tear ducts.
    “I know,” he said quietly. He changed gears
with, “Okay, what else ya got?”
    “Right, well I got through step one on your
list. It is a pretty extravagant list.” Krista pulled out the
finished report along with a flash drive. “Here’s a hard and soft
copy. Let me know what you want me to change. I’ll keep working on
the rest of it, obviously. I’m just trying to balance my work load,
learn Phil’s, get Kate up to speed—“ She sighed with fatigue.
    “All work and no play makes Krista a very
dull girl.”
    “Yeah, well. I’ve had enough excitement for

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