Burning Up

Burning Up by Marie Coulson Page B

Book: Burning Up by Marie Coulson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marie Coulson
Tags: Romance, Adult
will leave this office perfectly satisfied.”
    I had to bite my lip to stop myself from giggling. His innuendos were killing me. Deciding to play him at his own game, I seized my opportunity and sealed my lips around the delicious tip of his cock. He took a deep breath and gripped the edge of his desk. My tongue slid up and down the length of him as my hands followed. Cupping one hand around the bottom of his thick cock, I squeezed gently as my other hand moved up and down his shaft, following the tip of my tongue. 
    Enveloping him in my mouth, I swirled, licked , and flicked my tongue around the very tip of him while my lips pressed firmly on the ridge of the tender and sensitive head. Using my hands as a sort of vacuum, I bobbed up and down, increasing my speed as I felt his body tense. The pumping of my hands paired with the swirling of my tongue sending him into a sweet and blissful state of arousal. He groaned slightly but quickly covered it by clearing his throat loudly and apologizing.
    My insides burned with desire as his eyes cast down at me and closed for a single moment. His lips parted slightly , and I was sure he must have seemed to be behaving oddly to the two men in the room, but they continued to complain and bicker about business, blissfully unaware of the hot, sexy, and exciting game happening just a few feet away. The idea that we could be caught at any moment was sending my libido into a frenzy. My clit throbbed as I became more and more turned on. Staring up at Jared, I removed one of my hands, hitched up my dress, and slipped my fingers all the way down. His eyes widened as he looked back at me before turning his attention to his associates.
    This was really going to test his endurance. Knowing his need and hunger to watch me as I rubbed, stroked , and massaged myself into a hot orgasmic mess, left me feeling powerful and insanely sexual. Could he really continue this meeting and ignore me, right there, beneath his desk with my hand teasingly stroking my wet and wanting pussy?
    Gripping the edge of the desk, he growled in frustration.
    “Gentlemen! I think we’re done here. The two of you clearly need time to re-negotiate your positions in this merger, and I lack both the time, focus, or desire to sit here while you work it out. Make an appointment with Stephanie on your way out for two weeks’ time. I hope by then we will all have made progress, and I, for one, am very keen for a happy ending.”
    I almost gagged on his cock. Did he say happy ending? I nibbled light ly on the tip of his head, and his foot nudged me gently in warning.
    “Please, see yourselves out.”
    They exchanged pleasantries and I found it rather unusual that they never questioned Jared and his lack of movement from behind his desk. I wasn’t complaining, I just found it odd. Listening carefully, I waited for the sound of the door closing, and as the loud slam echoed around the room, Jared grasped a fistful of my hair and tugged me away from his crotch. Grinning at me with a carnivorous and hungry stare, he growled at me.
    “You are a very, very, bad girl , and now, I’m going to punish you.”
    Reaching down, he grasped my hand and yanked it up toward him. I stood abruptly and panted as excitement and adrenalin rushed through my veins. His hands slid up my dress and in a rough and ruthless movement, he thrust my legs apart.
    I gasped as his hands slipped around to my behind and squeezed firmly on my cheeks. Still in his seat, he pushed me against the edge of the desk. Sliding his strong and eager hands gently around and down over my thighs, he breathed heavily in my ear.
    “You drive me crazy in every possible way. You’re a madness I can’t and won’t cure. The affliction brings me too much pleasure. You make me weak and that’s not something I’m used to, Layla. My heart pounds like a drum, my body aches with withdrawal when you’re not around , and my stomach churns with worry when I think that I could lose you

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