Burning Up

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Book: Burning Up by Marie Coulson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marie Coulson
Tags: Romance, Adult
orgasm crashed over me like an ocean and I was drowning in the pleasure. My legs tensed and my back arched. My eyes closed and I could hardly catch my breath. Jared groaned, moaned, and hissed as he continued to please himself; watching me intensely. I could see he was close and was just about to intervene when the intercom buzzed on the desk.
    Slamming his fist on the desk, Jared released his grip on himself and hit the answer button.
    “I said I didn’t want to be disturbed!”
    A timid and stuttered voice came over the intercom.
    “I’m very sorry, Mr. Garrett, but your meeting with Jensen and Harbor is scheduled for three o’clock. Both gentlemen are in your waiting area. Should I send them through?”
    Taking his finger from the button, Jared groaned loudly in frustration. His hands thread through his hair, gripping the glistening golden brown locks between his fingers. “Fuck!”
    I jumped a little at the ferocious volume of his voice. He was mad … really mad.
    Taking a deep breath, he closed his eyes and reached for the intercom once again.
    “Give me five minutes.”
    His eyes opened again and he stared at me as I lay panting on the carpet. He shook his head ruefully.
    “Well, guess we’ll have to resume our game later.” He was snappy and clearly on edge. He’d been close to bliss and was now being pulled away by his work commitments. I was sick of it all. For weeks his job and work had taken over not only our social life, but our sex life, too. Sitting up abruptly, I lunged forward and seized his cock in my hand. He jumped and gasped as I tightened my grip and gazed up at him.
    “Let them in ,” I purred.
    He gaw ked at me. “Are you nuts!”
    I bit my lip and grinned at him mischievously. “Trust me?”
    A small and playful smile spread across his lips. “Implicitly.”
    Reaching over, he hit the button again. “Send them in.”
    I crawled backwards and hid myself snuggly beneath his desk. The back was solid and completely hid me from view. I reached for Jared’s chair and pulled it toward me, so that he was now sitting at his desk with his pants around his thighs and his cock in my hand.
    I took a long breath , and as the door clicked open, I licked my lips in sheer delight. This was going to be a lot of fun.
    Not rising from his position at his desk, Jared leaned forward.
    “Gentlemen, please, have a seat.”
    Crouching beneath the desk I began to run my fingers slowly up and down the length of him. His body tensed a little , but clearing his throat, he rested back in his seat and addressed his visitors. The two men had deep accents and were clearly native New Yorkers. That accent was unmistakable.
    “I’m ready to get moving on this project, Garrett. China is ready to swoop in and take this shit right out of our hands if we don’t make an offer soon.”
    My fingertips traced the thick line from the base of his solid cock to the very tip. The smooth, pink head was flush with color as he twitched and pulsated in my hand.
    “I understand your concern, gentlemen, I do. But this is a delicate situation. Having something so precious and exhilarating in your grasp, just to have it rudely snatched away like a child’s toy is quite frustrating. Believe me, I have people working very hard to relieve that pressure.”
    I glanced up at him from beneath the desk and smiled as he tactfully raised an eyebrow at me. Cocky asshole.
    Gripping my hands on his thighs, I gently dragged my fingernails up and down his thighs. I could hear the conversation between the two men in the room, but my focus was completely on the man whose happiness I currently controlled. He leaned forward and rested his elbows on the desk.
    “Gentlemen, please, can we just cut the crap, stop teasing, playing games , and get to grips on the task at hand. Point scoring is not advised in my office. I hold all the cards and make the rules from now on. Actions speak volumes and I think, with the correct approach, everyone

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