Burned Rebel (Comanche Sons Motorcycle Club Book 3)

Burned Rebel (Comanche Sons Motorcycle Club Book 3) by Sophia Hampton

Book: Burned Rebel (Comanche Sons Motorcycle Club Book 3) by Sophia Hampton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sophia Hampton
concern in his voice, but she was too shell-shocked by what she saw. “No. Why would I want to do that?”
    He stopped and made her turn around. Gazing in her eyes, he ran a hand over her cheek. “You don’t look so well. I think we should go to a hospital and have a doctor take a look at you.”
    “And how the hell would he help me? I am not hurt…I am just confused.”
    He looked bewildered by her claim. “Confused? About what?”
    “About you?” she shook her head as images of his fight flooded into her mind. Fight? Not really? It had been too one-sided to really call it an even fight. “If you can kick a man’s ass like that, why didn’t you do it to at the warehouse where they were holding me?”
    “I got the police to do it. It was so much better. Also, I don’t think it’s fair to use my skills. I was trained as an elite force, a special operations solider, and there is a lot of damage I can inflict on a human or a bunch of them if I choose to do it, but I don’t want that.”
    She’d never asked him one thing ever before. “Why did you get into a fight at the bar after which you were kicked out of the army?”
    “He was teasing a girl and when she tried to get away, he hurt her. I couldn’t see that.”
    She nodded. Now that explained a lot. Riley threw her arms around his neck and gave him a resounding kiss on his lips. The warmth of him, the scent of him, filled her and lifted her spirits. As she devoured his mouth, his hands settled on her waist, and he drew her closer. His muscles were hard against her soft curves, and she loved the contrast of it. Desire flooded through her heart. It made her dizzy.
    She stepped away. “I love you.”
    “But I love you more.”
    “Oh, I seriously doubt that.” She linked her arm with his as they resumed their walk. “Now after seeing what you did to those men, I should be frightened, scared, but do you know how I feel?”
    “Secure and happy to know that I can protect you.”
    “Oh, that too. But I am suddenly very, very horny.”
    Color flushed Chance’s cheeks as she glanced at him. He picked up pace. “Good then. Let’s take advantage of that mood. We need to get home now.”
    She laughed as they raced towards the apartment. From now on, their lives were going to be perfect. She could just feel it. Oh sure, there would be bumps along the way, but she was optimistic about their future—more than she’d ever been before—and there was just no beating that feeling. Love was what made the world go around, and in Riley’s case, it made hers spin so fast that she was positively giddy with delight.
    Life was good, and it just couldn’t get better. 

Other series by Sophia Hampton
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    BOOK 1 of the Devil’s Mafia Brotherhood Motorcycle Club trilogy
    She doesn’t believe in catching flies with honey

Tania McGuire has a tongue that’s known to get her into trouble… in and out of the bedroom. But it’s also brought her to her position as a successful property negotiator with some enemies in the process, and she’s yet to meet anyone who can match her – or turn her down.

It's either his way, or the highway.

When it comes to life, Riley Rothko only knows how to get his own way. The Devil’s Mafia has helped make this happen. While expanding their business territory, he’s in charge of hand-picking the new locale that will be responsible for the storage of some of their most valuable wares yet, but he can’t help but feel something is wrong.

And they’re not ready for the sparks that are about to fly…

The last thing Riley expects when walking into the warehouse is a jaw-dropping woman ready to bite his head off, and Tania can’t say she’s happy to see the intimidating man prepared to ruin her perfect record. It’s a battle of hot-tempers that has the potential to end in disaster, but

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