bryn n sinjin 02.5 - blood lust

bryn n sinjin 02.5 - blood lust by h p mallory

Book: bryn n sinjin 02.5 - blood lust by h p mallory Read Free Book Online
Authors: h p mallory
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    Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Sinjin Sinclair and this is my story.
    As the following tale belongs to me and we are, as of yet, unacquainted with one another, I suppose the onus is on me to give you a bit of background information regarding yours truly …
    I was born in England. London, to be exact, in 1414. Before your imagination strives to convince you that I am a ghost, a demon, or some equally disagreeable creature, I shall tell you now that I am neither. I owe my immortality to a disease of the blood. That is to say, I am a Master Vampire.
    I imagine that announcement may very well be accompanied by involuntary gasps of shock, or even heart palpitations, so let me please assure you that although I have an appetite for the sanguine, I am also unflaggingly a gentleman.
    Returning to the nature of my title, perchance you find the label “master” slightly mystifying. Allow me to explain …
    In my estimation, the vampire should be divided into two subcategories. For the sake of this dialogue, I shall refer to a “vampire” as a bloodsucker, and the much more estimable “Master Vampire” as his own namesake. The first category, bloodsuckers, are simply creatures who cannot move about in the day, and who enjoy increased speed and strength compared to ordinary humans. Their diet consists exclusively of blood.
    The Master Vampire, in contrast, is much older and much more powerful than his lowly colleague. Like fine wine, vampires ripen with age. We become more powerful, stronger, faster and, in my particular case, more attractive. The passage of time also sharpens our skills and the Master Vampire’s sophisticated powers of persuasion and our ability to materialize and dematerialize at will naturally increase exponentially.
    What specific qualities does a Master Vampire possess? you may ask. If you were to guess age, you would not be entirely correct. Yes, old age naturally develops one’s wisdom and skill in most instances, although there are those bloodsuckers with whom I share my six hundred years who have left me unimpressed, to say the least. Hence, age is not, in itself, a sole qualifier in discriminating a true master from a novice.
    A true Master Vampire receives his laudable title through the vehicles of legend or gossip, for lack of a better description. Any established and/or gifted bloodsucker will begin to earn a reputation for himself. In so doing, he invariably attracts the attention of a Master Vampire, who might adopt the nascent bloodsucker, embracing him beneath his proverbial wing and rearing him, in order to teach him the fine art and practices that belong to the master.
    Such was the path I followed before I found myself in the very enviable position I now enjoy. My title was bestowed upon me by Varick, a true Master Vampire. He was once was my superior and I, his ward. Not so any longer. Now, I answer to no one, save myself and the queen of the Underworld.
    Ah, yes, and the queen’s noble sister, the lovely Bryn.
    Lest you wonder, Bryn does not share the irresistible desire for fresh hemoglobin with me. That is to say, she is not a vampire, neither master nor bloodsucker. Instead, she calls herself an “Elemental.”
    Now, you may speculate what an Elemental could be, and based upon one’s observation of the Lady Bryn, one could imagine an Elemental as a headstrong individual who inevitably proves quite difficult to get along with. One would also assume that Elementals spend entirely too much time arguing and not enough time following the more Epicurean ideals as demonstrated by myself. Elementals are gifted soldiers, yes, but they are not at all in touch with their sensitive, sensual sides. In conclusion, suffice to say that Elementals are rather shrewish by nature.
    To describe an Elemental based upon the Lady Bryn’s outward appearance, one must admit that Elementals are dangerously attractive. Amply gifted in both the breasts and derriere departments,

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