Brother Willy's Traveling Salvation Show

Brother Willy's Traveling Salvation Show by W. Scott Mitchell

Book: Brother Willy's Traveling Salvation Show by W. Scott Mitchell Read Free Book Online
Authors: W. Scott Mitchell
question the story they were selling her. “Did you say the two of you are just friends and that you are not going out with each other?”
    Michelle had them where she wanted and was going to exploit the situation as she played her game. “This might sound a little strange, so let me explain. Scott and I have an unusual relationship. We get together and talk about movies, books, the environment, politics, or whatever. The most important thing to us is having each other to talk to.”
    Jenifer was now being drawn into Michelle’s manipulation. “Then why were you naked in the hot tub with him?”
    Michelle continued an amazing performance where truth was irrelevant. “Talking is just one part of our friendship. The other part is purely sexual because I like sex just as much as Scott does. We believe that emotional entanglements detract from our sexual fulfillment. Scott and I have found a way to meet each other’s sexual needs without all the emotional and social issues. We may not be dating each other, but he is still an all-American boy and we know how boys can be. Let’s be honest here girls, we all have desires that have to be met.”
    Jenifer was becoming distracted from her game plan as her questions became more targeted. “So it doesn’t bother you that Scott was making love to Carlie and Beth on a canoe trip just five weeks ago?”
    Michelle continued shooting back. “You see, jealously is just a part of the emotional entanglements we were telling you about. It doesn’t bother me in the least, and to be honest, I’m glad he had someone there to share that experience. I wish I could have been there too. I didn’t realize he had been to bed with Beth so I can understand why she is feeling a little awkward. I would like to think I was good enough in bed that a guy would remember me.”
    There was a long protracted silence before Michelle spoke again. “I guess to be completely honest, I am a little jealous.”
    Jenifer and Beth briefly looked at each other with what looked like a smirk, until Michelle continued with her relentless assault. “I’ve never shared Scott with another woman, but then again, I never need another woman to help me out. I like to think I can keep him well satisfied all by myself. A threesome may be something we could think about doing.”
    Beth was staring at Michelle in total disbelief. “I wasn’t expecting that answer from you and I don’t appreciate it.”
    Scott joined in at this point to lend some credibility to Michelle’s story. “I guess we could try it if you want to. Beth thinks we have already been to bed with each other so if that’s what you want to do, we can go for it.”
    Michelle looked at them with a fake sense of astonishment before bringing him into her performance. “Scott, would you mind rubbing some lotion on me. I think I’m starting to burn a little.”
    He held out his hand as she squeezed the lotion into his palm. “Where do you want it?”
    “Start on my tummy and work your way up.”
    Scott began rubbing the cool lotion on her stomach. Michelle exhibited a sense of calm, but he could tell her stomach muscles were tense, suggesting she might not be as relaxed as she would have their guests to believe.
    After a couple of minutes, Scott assumed he had done enough to help her accomplish some undefined point and should therefore stop. Michelle asked him to hold out his hand as she once again squeezed more lotion into his hand. She smiled at him and spoke softly, “Do my shoulders and chest too. This feels so nice.”
    Scott started at her neck and did the front of her shoulders before moving down the center of her chest.
    Once again, he thought he was finished until she squeezed lotion onto her breastbone and offered him a reminder “Be sure you don’t miss any spots. I don’t want to get burned.”
    I n the most casual voice she could use, Michelle looked back at Jenifer. “You should let him put some lotion on you. His hands feel so good and

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