Broken Song

Broken Song by Erik Schubach

Book: Broken Song by Erik Schubach Read Free Book Online
Authors: Erik Schubach
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protestations of the people waiting in line that were silenced by a fierce glare from Minnie.  I almost snorted.  She was my kind of people.
    I was dragged through the doors by the giggling blonde dervish holding my hand and pulled up to the bar.  The cute thirty something woman who was tending bar looked to be a year or two younger than San and lit up like a Christmas tree when she spotted the blondie.  Hmm... I have no clue how old Sandra is... thirty five-ish?
    She ducked under the bar squealing, “San!  I haven't seen you in over a year!” She engulfed Sandra in a big hug and was rewarded by a kiss on the cheek from my smiling companion.
    The imp giggled. “Hi Maggie!  How's Xander?  Oh, this is my friend...”
    Maggie turned to me and finished Sandra's sentence, “Penny.  Just Penny.  I know, Minnie messaged a moment ago.”  She gave me a conspiratorial wink then turned back to to San.  “I think Xander is going to pop the question tomorrow!  He set up reservations at Alessandro's somehow!  I think I detect one of Crystal's markers in play there.”
    They did a giggly shared squeal then she ducked back under the bar.  “What can I get you girls?”
    Sandra shot me a look I couldn't decipher and spoke before I could,  “We're not drinking tonight Maggie.”  She raised her eyebrows, “So? Water? Cola?”
    I smiled at her, knowing she knew I had stopped drinking for my girls.  “Cola would be fine.” Then the imp turned back to Maggie and held up two fingers.  I started dwelling on the fact that my daughters wanted nothing to do with me.
    Sandra was shaking my arm from side to side by our laced fingers.  When did she do that?  “Hey. Tonight is for fun, not thinking,” she scolded.
    We got our drinks and moved over to get a table, luckily it was early and there were still a couple open.  As we sat the piped in music stopped and the live cover band, Vortex was introduced.  They started with a fun cover of Amber LaLanie's 'Kick It Up!'.  Damn, these guys were good!
    A super cute intense face was suddenly smiling in my vision.  “Dance with me!”  She demanded. Jesus, how could you say no to that sheer amount of cuteness?!
    I laughed as she bounced out to the floor with me in tow.  Then I was floored again; this girl had moves!  She seemed a part of the music injected with ten times the fun as she swayed and bounced and moved with a fluid grace.  There was nothing overtly sexual about the way she was dancing but oh my gawd was it turning me on!  In spades!
    Before I knew it I was having more fun than I can remember, dancing and bobbing out on that dance floor with her.  I seriously couldn't tell you how many more couples were out on the floor with us, at the moment I only had eyes for her.
    The song ended and that crazy popular song, Snowflakes by Satin Thunder was next.  She squealed and we just kept dancing.  I was having the time of my life with her.  When the song ended she dragged me back to the table.  She seems to have taken control of everything today.  Being a control freak like me, it was odd that I wasn't fighting her.
    Almost immediately after we sat, girls were trying to get her to dance.  Others were offering her drinks that she politely declined.  I was getting a little pissed off, couldn't they see she was with me?  They were all ignoring me.  Then one girl sat down at the table without being asked.  She put her back to me and started trying to egg Sandra into drinking some shots with her.
    San turned her down.  The red headed girl got belligerent saying, “You're just as stupid as ever.  Why are you MILF slumming with her when I can show you so much more of a good time?”
    That was it, I stood, knocking my chair over and as the girl turned toward me with a smirk that quickly turned to fear when she saw my cocked fist.  “Nobody insults Sandra, bitch!” I started to swing but my arm didn't budge.  I looked back and Minnie was there, holding my arm

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