Broken Hearted
room, I thought, ‘Oh great,
she’ll throw a fit then I can grab the gun and maybe take Dawn
alive’. However, you took off without saying a word. You running
out of the room didn’t help the situation at all. Eli had no choice
but to shoot her because she moved the gun to my head. After he
shot her, I went to the window looking for you, I found you sitting
in the car with your head on the steering wheel. I could tell you
were crying. You drove away without a glance back.”
    Faith gently started to cry saying, “I let you down,
and you could’ve been killed. Maybe if I’d handled that situation
better, Dawn might be alive today.”
    Trey held her in his arms as she cried for the loss
of her best friend. He whispered, “If we hadn’t killed her, sooner
or later her father would’ve had her murdered. He was coming to
Indianapolis to see her believing it was you. I hate the whole
situation Faith. Her three-year-old little boy is doing great
though with his father. They moved back to his home state of
Alabama. He never knew her secret life. They were at a Reds game
the day Dawn died. We moved her from the hotel room to her house.
We wiped her house clean of any fingerprints.”
    Faith questioned, “Was my new partner, Jason, in on
the charade?”
    Trey told her, “No, not at first. We did have to
tell him once the fingerprints came back to be Dawn’s. I still need
to talk about when those men captured and tortured you darling.
Please know I love you. I hated knowing those men were hurting you.
I couldn’t help you because they wanted something you knew nothing
about.” He saw the wild look in her eyes. Thinking she’s never
going to forgive him. He took her hand, saying, “Faith, the day
they took you, I received a phone call telling me what they would
do to you if I didn’t give them the information your father worked
years to get on Mr. Moore. I didn’t have it and neither did Eli. We
told them we didn’t have the information, but after two days, they
finally believed us. That’s when your torture started because they
thought he gave it to you.”
    “ Why would he give it to a
twelve-year-old little girl? He murdered my parents and didn’t even
get what he needed. I don’t have anything. Did my mom know what dad
was doing?”
    “ No, he never let anyone find out.
We had a leak in our department at that time. I wasn’t around then
remember I was young too. I only know what was in the files Eli
gave me. When we get back to my house, we’ll go over everything
together. I’m sure your mother wouldn’t have agreed for them to be
your guardian if she had suspected anything. Please remember your
grandmother and grandfather were too old to take care of you. I’m
sure she thought she was doing what was best for you.”
    Faith got up, starting to pace the floor. She said,
“Let me get this straight, you knew what they were doing to me and
did nothing to help me.” Trey nodded but said nothing. He could
tell saying anything would make her explode. She glared at him,
saying, “If you were in trouble, I’d figure out a way to get to
you. I would’ve helped you.” She was yelling now. “You let them
hurt me! Why, Trey! Why would you sell me out?”
    Trey grabbed Faith, turning her to him. “I knew you
were strong. I also knew they wouldn’t kill you because they still
needed you. Faith, you would’ve done the same thing. We traced all
of them down except one. We caught them. They’re in jail and will
be for a long time. I believe Mr. Moore was the only one that got
away. Please say you understand.”
    She shook her head saying, “I need to get some
sleep. I’m exhausted. We’ll sort all of this out in the morning.
Trey, I don’t think I’ll ever be able to trust you again. That
breaks my heart because I’ll always love you.” Then Faith pulled
the cover down to crawl into bed. Trey climbed in bed, slid up next
to her, putting his arm around her. She didn’t resist his touch,
though he realized

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