Broken Angel

Broken Angel by Janet Adeyeye

Book: Broken Angel by Janet Adeyeye Read Free Book Online
Authors: Janet Adeyeye
company ready. We buy the law firm and then the shipping company goes bankrupt as well. I bet they can't wait to treat their mom."
                      "I am afraid they already found the money to do so."
                      "How? That's impossible."
                      "Remember that day I called you to send me $100 million?"
                       "I gave it to them to treat their mother."
                       "You're kidding..."
                       He looked at me now and saw I still had a straight empty expression.
                       "Why did you do something like that?"
                      "I wanted to give up. I didn't want to avenge my father's death any longer. I did it without thinking."
                      "Bullshit!" He snapped, hitting his foot against the ground. "The plan has to change."
                       "I know."
                       "What do you plan on doing?"
                       "We take both companies from them. But only on one condition."
                      "You make me sole owner of those companies and you invest in them."
                      "Remind me why I am helping you again?"
                      I looked at him and smiled. Yes, I smiled for the first time in 24 hours. I slowly walked away, back towards Angel's car.
                      "Wait." I heard Shipwreck say after a while, then he walked towards me again. I stopped. "I'll do it."
                      "Perfect. I become partner in the shipping company and as the largest shareholder, ultimate owner. We use your fake company's name to snatch that company from them without them knowing. By tomorrow, the shipping company will go completely bankrupt. They will have absolutely nothing to stand against after the court demand they give up ownership to the new fake company which will be in my name."
                       "What about the law firm?"
                       "It'll die a natural death." I didn't say anything after that again. I knew Angel had been watching us, and I knew he'd ask who Shipwreck is, and that will be the beginning of their end.
                      The drive home from the cemetery was a long and moody one. Clifford and Matthew brought a different car so they rode behind ours. I sat on the passenger's seat beside Angel, but still said nothing.
                      "You haven't said a word to me since this incident. Talk to me, Kayla."
                      My gaze met Angel. I struggled to find the right words to say to him, so I just turned my gaze away.
                      "What's going on? I also feel bad that you lost our baby... But we can make another."
                      "It's not that," I muttered between teeth.
                      "Then what? Or are you going to deny the fact that you've been moody all day. I know how it feels to lose one's parent. I lost my father too, remember? But shutting yourself off is not going to solve anything."
                      "I don't want to talk about it."
                      "I want to sympathize with you. But you are shutting everyone out."
                      I suddenly felt the urge to confront him. To ask him why his family destroyed mine. I guess I wasn't so strong to go on living with an enemy.
                      "I want a divorce," I finally said
                      The car came to a sudden halt. "A what?"
                      "I can't keep doing this. I'm tired of living a lie. It's all over now anyway."

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