KnightForce Deuces

KnightForce Deuces by Sydney Addae

Book: KnightForce Deuces by Sydney Addae Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sydney Addae
Tags: IR - Paranormal
Asia stood and
left before Jasmine could respond.
    David looked over at Jasmine, stood and walked
to her. “Are we staying here?”
    Jasmine nodded. “Yes baby. We’re going to sleep
down here tonight.” She ran her hand through his thick dark
    “Is it because of the bad people?”
    Her hand stopped. “What bad people,
    “From today.”
    Jasmine frowned. “Bad people were here today?
When?” She leaned forward and met his light brown serious
    “When we were playing, bad people came and
left. But I don’t know them. Just that they were bad or doing
something bad.” He shrugged and turned to leave.
    “David, wait.” She hadn’t meant to raise her
voice and surprise him but she needed him to stay with her a little
    “Silas, David says bad people were
here earlier when they were playing outside. I remember him taking
Sarita’s hand and running to the patio. He told Tyrese something
about a bad feeling.”
    “What ?”
    Jasmine exhaled slowly, waiting for him to calm
    “Someone was here while my pups were outside
and you didn’t mention it to me ?”
    She didn’t bother responding to his absurd
remark and opened her link so he could hear David’s responses.
“Where were the bad people, son?”
    David shrugged. “Somewhere, I didn’t see
    Jasmine frowned. “How did you know they were
here, then?”
    “I…felt them.” He frowned and then looked over
his shoulder at the others.
    Acting on a hunch, Jasmine waved the other four
over. “Did any of you feel something bad today?”
    Sarita nodded.
    “Not bad, just different,” Jackie
    “No, it was like an ugly picture,” Renee said,
“didn’t feel right.”
    Adam stared at the others and then
    “You didn’t feel anything, Adam?”
    “Yes, but it didn’t bother me,” he
    Curious, Jasmine took his hand and met his
gaze. “Why didn’t it bother you?”
    “Because you and Nana and Aunty were right
there and then Rese came and my Daddy’s here.”
    Touched, Jasmine placed a kiss on his forehead.
“That’s right, none of us would allow anything to happen to you but
I’m happy you had a warning on the inside,” she touched his chest,
“to let you know someone bad was near. The next time you have that
feeling, I want you to let me or one of us know so we can check
things out, okay?”
    “Yes, Mama. But David said whatever it was
wouldn’t stay long,” Renee said.
    “Oh?” Jasmine looked at him. “Why did you say
    “They were outside and couldn’t come in, so
they had to leave.” He walked off and the others
    “Well, I’ll be damned. If they never came
inside the compound, how’d they get to Frogs? ” Silas said
sounding mystified.
    “Did you check the food and water?
    “Yes, those were the first things
    “What about deliveries? That would account
for them leaving. Here’s the thing - when David sensed the problem,
he didn’t run to the adults. He went to the other kids. That’s why
I didn’t think much of i t,” Jasmine said.
    “Did you ask him why he didn’t come to you
right away ?
    She thought about it. “ Not directly. We need
to have a talk with the kids. What if they can merge like the
twins? If they are developing skills, we need to
    “Later, I promise to revisit this
thing with the pups, right now we need to track those bitches and
find out what they used to kill Frogs so we can counter
    “I agree. Is there anything I can
do to help?”
    “You just did. Now we’ll focus on footage
from outside the bubble. There has to be a connection somewhere.
We’ll find it - until then I want to minimize all
connections .”
    “Emergencies only, got it .” She didn’t
like it or understand his reasoning for shutting down communication
but she’d go along for now.
    Asia corralled all the kids. “Come on and pick
out your beds.” They jumped up and ran to the room with multiple
twin beds. Jasmine had

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