
Broken by Delia Steele

Book: Broken by Delia Steele Read Free Book Online
Authors: Delia Steele
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latte yummmm. Besides I need to collect myself and wake up so I don’t flip out on him.  Dropping the paper and clicking on the tv no sound and lord knows my heads killing me so its fine.  I notice a car that looks a lot like Cams Enzo crashed into the trees. The heading says “Crash on the cliffs” who in their right mind would be driving so fast out at the cliffs? It’s a freaking death trap the cliffs alone but dang those hard curves aren’t easy either. “1 car 1 Man Critical care”  OMG that’s the way I came home last night, it couldn’t be  Cam… no it’s not he wouldn’t…. WHERE is my PHONE.. “VALERIAAA” now I am in a hissy and can hardly breathe. “Valeria find my phone hurry I have to call Cam” she’s on the hunt and I snatch up the house phone calling Cams cell over and over only to continually go to voicemail. “hey sorry you can’t get me right now me and Lexi are off living life to the fullest, uh I love this girl, anyways leave me a message I’ll call you back” and I hear my stupid girlie laugh in the background squealing. I stand there holding it remembering….
    Lying on the grass rolling around I snatched his phone looking at his pictures of his friends back home. “Cam are you happy here? I know you miss your life, family, and friends.” He just smiles and simply says “Baby there is no contest if it’s you or that, it will ALWAYS be you. Besides they all know where I am and how to find me and you beautiful are my life.” “Oh really Cameron Thompson so Ellie May isn’t sad you left? Because I know you miss her even thou it wasn’t considered living” I croon out. Snatching the phone he told me very boldly “ Nope ALEXA  I don’t miss anything about Mississippi and to prove it I will tell the world one missed call at a time”  he left the silly message with me cackling like a rabid lunatic in the background. “OMG CAMERON YOU’RE SO GOOFY I LOVE IT” I squeal before another tickle and wiggle fest started. He is sooo bad about tickling me uhhhh.
    “ Lexi sweetheart here I found your cellular device” Vals voice grabs my attention. I have 4 missed calls on the screen, 2 unknown and 2 were Maggie. My heart is racing and my can barely feel my legs. I hit the redial for the unknown “Miami Medical Emergency Center May I help you” is all I hear before I hit the floor crying “NO NO NOOO I NOooooo” Valeria snatches the phone away and I bury my face in my hands. “Yes my names Valeria I work for Miss Alexa Cruz and we have some missed calls from this number, Yes I understand you say Emergency center correct?” it’s hard to understand her I am sure, her Spanish is thick  and she is talking really fast.  “Yes ma’am I understand but Miss Cruz has a umm well her fiancé didn’t make it home last night and on the television there was a crash, yes, yes a Mr. Thompson. Cameron Thompson yes he was from Mississippi. Ok yes we are on our way thank you Nurse.” “Gus wake up u lazy white excuse of a man and get the car we need to go to the hospital, no Lexi is fine just hurry your old sorry self up” she hung up after a few words that were too fast even for my broken ears.  She grabs my bag and my phone and I am still sitting in the floor bawling. She pulls me to my feet pushing me out the door; Gus already has the car there ready to go. We slide in and on the trip Valeria does her best with what she has. Using her hands to brush out my hair and tie it in a messy bun. Puts my huge blackout Mark Jacob shades on my face because I am wearing only the makeup I haven’t cried off from last night. I can’t function at all except to swat her away. “LEXI STOP IT, I know  your upset we are going, the nurse said he is in surgery but stable as of now. You have to look semi decent otherwise the camera will eat you alive. You already know they set up station at the hospital to catch all the drunk socialites when they gurney through, this is no different to

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