around him to try to squeeze him to let me
go, but it didn’t work.
    “ Babe, don’t fight me,”
his voice was a raspy whisper.
    He kissed me again. My emotions were
all over the place. I hated him but at the same time I didn’t want
him to stop. I tried to push him off, but he wouldn’t budge. He
kept kissing me hard. I finally gave in and kissed him back. When
we came up for air, my head was spinning. His chest was heaving and
he was trying to catch his breath, and I felt like I was going to
faint. I closed my eyes tightly taking a deep breath. Was this
really happening?
    “ G,” I whispered
    He kissed me again. This time his kiss
was much softer. He slowly and gently pushed his tongue into my
mouth. His tongue felt so good as he lightly teased my tongue with
his. I kissed him back gently caressing his tongue with mine. I
wrapped my arms around his neck and tried to bring him closer. I
couldn’t get enough of him. I was frantic. My body ached for him.
It had been aching for him for all these years. This is what I had
been searching for. All the men I had slept with to make me feel
whole couldn’t do it, only him. I kissed him again, feverishly. I
couldn’t stop. I was like an addict, and he was my drug.
    His hands were gripping my ass, and he
slowly pulled up my skirt. He shifted his weight to hold me up and
freed one of his hands and worked its way up my shirt. I wasn’t
wearing a bra, and he quickly found my nipple and began rubbing it
and then the other. My nipples became erect from his touch. I
moaned in his ear, and I felt him shudder. I slid my hands down his
chest and under his shirt. His body was rock hard. I could feel his
rippling abs. I rubbed my hands all over his chest pulling him
toward me as I kissed him again. I was losing control, and I didn’t
    Slowly, I worked my hands down his
body. I rubbed his cock through the outside of his jeans then
unbuttoned them and pushed my hand in to find his cock. I began
stroking him inside his pants. He let out a deep sigh. “Aaaah,
Leila,” he moaned.
    I began sucking and kissing his neck.
My inner core was warm and buzzing. I could feel myself getting
wet. I wanted him so badly. I took my hands and tried to pull down
the front of his pants. He touched my hand and stopped
    “ Garrett, please. . . I
want you. . . I need you. My body longs for you,” I said
    I had completely forgotten everything
I had discussed with Helen. I wanted him and was bound and
determined to make him mine again.
    He put his forehead to my forehead and
breathed raggedly. I was pretty sure he was crying. “Leila, I
can’t,” he said. “Not like this, you deserve better than this,
better than me.”
    I put my hands on his face pleading
with him. “Please, I need you. . .” He slowly put me down, so I was
standing on my feet again. I couldn’t believe he was turning me
    I began to feel anger towards him.
“What . . . Am I not good enough for you? You don’t want to fuck a
whore is that it?” I said coldly. “I’m sure you fucked the douche
of honor’s brains out the night of the wedding.” He cringed at my
    His rejection was devastating. I
wanted him so bad it hurt and when he told me no, it felt like he
had just broken my heart all over again. I quickly spun around to
leave. Garrett grabbed my arm again.
    “ Where do you think you
are going?” He said calmly.
    He had me pinned up against the wall.
He had one arm on each side of me, blocking me from moving. He
looked me dead in the eyes, brushing my cheek with his hand.
“Leila, I haven’t slept with anyone since you.”
    I laughed, “Oh, please! You think I am
going to believe that!”
    He looked shaken. “You’re the only one
. . . You’ve always been the only one. I’ve dated women, but I’ve
never had sex. The thought of being with anyone but you made me
feel sick. You have no idea how bad I want you right now,” he
whispered in my ear. “But you deserve

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