Bridgeworlds: Deep Flux

Bridgeworlds: Deep Flux by Randy Blackwell

Book: Bridgeworlds: Deep Flux by Randy Blackwell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Randy Blackwell
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sighed. “I had hoped it would not come to this. But I have
bought all the shares of holdings that the government has over the
project. I am your boss, Tyree.”
“I’m not telling you,” he said shaking his head insistently.
Sasha joined in. “Tyree, its ok. We know you are loyal to Dr.
Metzger. I, of all people, respect that, but we need to go after him.”
“I made a promise,” Tyree insisted, “and I plan to keep it.”
    I hate this but I have to push. “Tyree, I know you support your
mother with this job. If I have to fire you, you will not get a good
reference and I doubt you will find the kind of pay you are making now.”
    Tyree shook his head as he turned to walk away but then
suddenly before Jack could react Tyree turned around and struck Jack
on the nose. Tyree was always so calm and gentle that Jack was
surprised. Tyree then got in his face and said with tears of anger in his
eyes, “You can't abuse your power like this with no consequences. If you
keep walking all over people to get what you want, eventually you are
going to walk all over the wrong person.”
Jack wiped a bit of blood from his nose. That was a solid hit. Jack nodded in agreement but gave Tyree an expectant look.
    Tyree wrote something down on a scrap of paper. “That is the
address and below it the code to get in. I hope you are happy with
yourself.” Then Tyree got up and walked out of the room.
    After Tyree left, Jack went over to his desk and buzzed his
receptionist. “Have a check cut for three hundred thousand dollars to
Tyree Jackson.”
“Yes, sir,” was all they heard from the other side.
Then Jack walked back over and stood with his team. He looked
over at Sasha. “We are missing a scientist. Will you come with us?”
She raised an eyebrow, “You act as though I was going to give
you a choice.”
Jack laughed. “Let’s get to this portal.”
    The team piled into a van and went to the location; a large
warehouse that was owned by Omar. He used the code to get into the
front entrance. The team fell behind him while entering.
    Before heading to the warehouse Jack had given Sasha a chance
to pick out equipment and provisions. They carried with them enough
food for several weeks and after that ran out they would need to find
sustenance. Bogdan had seen fit to bring a remote control wagon with
them that would carry up to 2000 pounds. Bogdan did not normally like
bringing extra baggage but this was different; they might not be able to
come back. Jack eyed the wagon. It was actually large enough that all of
them could sit in it if they had run through or lost their provisions. A
vehicle might be useful.
    Jack got to the room where the tunnel was being kept and set
down his things. He stepped towards the tunnel to glance in it. It looks
so harmless.
Then he approached Bogdan. “What did you think of the riddle
that Misaki spoke?”
Bogdan nodded and spoke in his thick Russian accent, “It is
Jack raised an eyebrow, “Then you know what to do?”
    Bogdan shrugged, “More or less. We will see.” He walked to the
portal and laid a hand on it. Closing his eyes, he reverently bowed his
Sasha approached Jack, “First telekinesis and animal whisperers,
and now prayer to open a portal? Really, Jack?”
Jack shrugged with a simple smile, “When you find something
that works, you learn not to question it too much and just run with it.”
Sasha shook her head, “Maybe you, but not me. However, I am
interested in that file you mentioned.”
    Of course you are. Jack laughed, “Oh yeah, I almost forgot. Here
you go.” Jack handed her the entire file. It would be a seed planted. Show her that there is no such thing as coincidence.
    Sasha took the files and sat down, thumbing through them. Jack
hadn’t even read through them all. It was ridiculous how much
information his father had on Omar.
    Jack turned his attention to the other members of the group.

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