Bridgeworlds: Deep Flux

Bridgeworlds: Deep Flux by Randy Blackwell Page A

Book: Bridgeworlds: Deep Flux by Randy Blackwell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Randy Blackwell
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Charli and Caleb were hand signing to each other even though neither
was deaf. It seemed that they were the most exclusive members of the
group and the most powerful. Charli and Caleb were the only people on
earth that Jack had found in his search for people with special abilities.
After finding out that they were cousins Jack had paid the rest of their
family to be genetically tested for dormant abilities, but he found
    As Jack was thinking of all of this, the peace of the room was
interrupted by Bogdan’s booming Russian voice. Jack turned to look at
    He was standing in front of the tunnel looking around at the rest
of them. “Misaki spoke ‘ The most beloved spoke aloud the fourteenth
division while singing the sixth section of a song. The Way was opened
for him.’ John was the Apostle who referred to himself as the most
beloved. Each book of the Bible is divided into chapters and a section of
a song is a verse. This riddle refers to John 14:6 and I believe I am to
speak it aloud in front of this section of tunnel with Greek writing at its
top that says ‘I am the Way’.”
The room was silent. Somehow I am thinking science will not
explain what happens next.
    Bogdan looked down at the Bible in front of him and read aloud
facing the tunnel, “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the
life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”
    Suddenly a blinding light flashed from the tunnel burning the
image of Bogdan’s silhouette in their eyes until he stepped into the light
and disappeared. Jack could see each person following. He grabbed
Sasha’s hand leading her into the light with him. He spoke to her not in
a mocking way but gently, “It’s not science but if it works, you go with
it.” She squeezed his hand as in affirmation, and they stepped into the
    Everything faded away, the light was so beautiful. Jack felt as
though he was submerged in water. Then the ground came rushing at
him. He could see despite the blinding light that had just filled his eyes.
    Jack stood up and looked around him; it seemed that everyone
but him was covered in a slime. They were in a dark, barely lit tunnel
with patches of green moss. Jack stepped toward one of his team
members to help them but someone stepped out of the shadows. “I’ve
been waiting for this encounter for a long time, Jack,” he said.
    The man was extremely muscular, had dreadlocks and a beard.
His large arms were covered with scars that looked like claw marks.
Behind him was a giant winged dog taller than Jack. The man stepped
closer, and Jack could barely recognize him. “Tyree? How did you get
here? You’re… older.”
    Tyree had a hard look in his eyes. He approached Jack
menacingly. “Older by hundreds of years… I told you not to go into that
portal. If you had listened… if you only would have stopped pushing
me… You can't even imagine what I've been through because of it. I owe
you this.”
    Tyree cocked his arm back and Jack tried to counter, but the fist
still connected shocking Jack with the power that hit him. The force of
the blow sent him flying back toward one of the moss walls. His back
slammed against it and his vision slowly faded along with his
OMAR LOOKED AROUND. He was in the Emerald Forest. How
did I get here?
    The last he remembered, he was paralyzed in a wreck with a
blimp. Now he was in a forest clearing that he recognized. It was a
forbidden area, but those kinds of things had never stopped him. Omar
had to take a second to clear his mind. He felt fear. Am I dead? I should
be dead. No one could survive the force of that impact. Where am I
really? Is this a dream? The fear that gripped Omar was not the same
panic he had felt when crashing to his death. The fear he felt here was
the kind of trepidation you get when you know something bad is about
to happen.
    Over the centuries there had been reports of a supernatural evil
within the depths of the

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