Breaking Lorca

Breaking Lorca by Giles Blunt

Book: Breaking Lorca by Giles Blunt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Giles Blunt
thousand times,” the Captain said pleasantly. “A thousand times, and a thousand lies. But today it will all change. It is all about to change, and we are not even going to lay a hand on you. Bring him in.”
    Now the woman’s shoulders jumped a little. And she lifted her face. It was still swollen, the upper lip puffy where Victor had hit her.
    Tito opened the door and shouted the Captain’s order down the hall. A moment later Yunques brought the boy in, soaking wet. Yunques was not soft like Victor; he would have made sure the boy did not sleep.
    “I want you to introduce yourself to this woman.”
    The boy faced one way then another. It always took the prisoners a while to get used to being blindfolded. They were never sure if they were being spoken to unless they were addressed as whore or faggot .
    “Yes, you. Tell this woman your name.”
    “My name is Jaime Reyes.” The blindfold emphasized the full lips, his girl’s mouth.
    “Very good,” the Captain said. “You’re doing very well so far. Now, tell this woman here where you are from.”
    “I live on the Cuzcatlán plantation. Near El Playón.”
    “Tell her how old you are.”
    “I am thirteen years old. I will be fourteen in October.”
    “Bastard,” the woman said quietly.
    “Now, now,” the Captain said. “There is no need to insult the boy. We have every reason to believe he is a legitimate child of God-fearing parents.”
    “Do not do this,” the woman said. “For your own soul’s sake, I beg you, do not do this.”
    “Thirteen years old, Miss Whoever-you-are. Thirteen years old, this boy. Would you like to turn fourteen?”
    “Yes, sir. I will be fourteen in October.” The boy was on the edge of tears, and Victor saw that the fabric of his shirt, even though wet, was trembling.
    “Thirteen. You must have been confirmed this year.”
    “Yes, sir. At the cathedral.”
    “Did the bishop give you a little slap on the cheek?”
    “Yes, sir.”
    “Tell me, I never understood that slap. What does that little slap mean, exactly?”
    “It means—it means that our faith will be tested. Our faith will be tested, and we must prepare ourselves.”
    “Well, I’m glad you are prepared, Mr. Fourteen-in-October. Very glad. As a man of faith, little Jaime, you will be interested to know that this woman here is an incarnation of the Virgin Mary—although I assure you from first-hand experience, she is no longer a virgin. Nevertheless, she has the Blessed Virgin’s wonderful power to protect. You know about this? To intercede. Remember this, Jaime. I am God, and this woman here is the Blessed Virgin.”
    The prisoner strained forward in her chair. “You are evil,” she said in her cracked voice. “You are an evil man. The woman does not live who would knowingly bear you a son.”
    Captain Peña ignored her. “This woman, little Jaime, this woman can cause you pain, or she can save you from pain. It is entirely in her power , I want you to be clear on this. Whether you are in pain or not, whether you shed tears or blood, it is entirely within her power .”
    “Please don’t hurt me, sir. I have done nothing wrong.”
    “Don’t be afraid. I’m sure Our Lady will protect you. Do you have any brothers or sisters, Jaime?”
    “Two. Two sisters. They are younger than me.”
    “No brothers?”
    The boy swallowed. Beneath the wet shirt, his breathing was as fast as a rabbit’s.
    “Answer the Captain, faggot.”
    “I have one brother, but I don’t know where he is. I believe he is with the rebels in Chalatenango.”
    “A brother with the rebels in Chalatenango. Well, this is an unexpected bonus. What is your brother’s name?”
    “Dario Reyes. The Blessed Virgin here may be personally acquainted with him. But we don’t know, little Jaime, because Our Lady will tell us nothing. That is going to end very soon. Is there anything you would like to say?”
    “Please don’t hurt me, sir. I am not a rebel. I have done no

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