Break Out!: 5 Keys to Go Beyond Your Barriers and Live an Extraordinary Life
saying, “My promises are not dependent on man.” You don’t have to have a certain person to fulfill your destiny. You don’t need your boss to give you a promotion. You don’t needsomeone with power to help you catch a break. God’s promises are not dependent on who you know or who you don’t know. The main thing is for you to know Him. God controls it all.
    The Scripture says promotion doesn’t come from people, it comes from God. When it’s your time to be promoted or healed or restored, God doesn’t check with your friends, your boss, or your family. As the angel told Mary, God will make it happen without a man.
    If God can do it without a man, then He can do it without a bank. He can do it without medicine. You may have spent long enough considering your circumstances. It’s time to start considering your God. He is the all-powerful Creator of the universe. What He has spoken over your life may seem impossible. It may look too big. When you run the numbers, it may not seem logical. But don’t do as the fishermen did and overanalyze. Don’t try to reason it out, because you’ll talk yourself out of it.
    Do as Mary did and say, “God, I don’t see a way, but I know You have a way. Let it happen.” When negative thoughts come, learn to ignore them. That’s one report, but God has another report. He’s saying, “What I have spoken over your life I will bring to pass. What I have promised I will do.”
    Because you have this unshakable faith, because you are fully persuaded then, like Abraham, God will do supernatural things in your life. He is bringing you out of debt into abundance. You will live healthy and whole. You will break every addiction. You will see your family restored. You will meet the right people. You will accomplish dreams greater than you ever imagined.

Be Confident in What You Have
    I t’s easy to focus on what we don’t have. People tell me often that they don’t have the talent, the education, or the personality they’d like to have, but as long as you think you’re lacking it will keep you from God’s best. It’s not enough to just have faith in God. That’s important, but you should take it one step further and have faith in what God has given you. You have to believe you are equipped. You are empowered. You have the talent, the resources, the personality, everything you need to fulfill your destiny.
    Here’s the key: you don’t need a lot of talent. You have exactly what you need. If you will use what God has given you, He will get you to where you’re supposed to be. I’ve learned it’s not necessarily the amount of talent, the amount of education, or the amount of money. What makes the difference is God’s anointing on your life. You can have average talent, but when God breathes in your direction, you’ll go further than someone with exceptional talent.
    You can have an extraordinary problem, but with the favor of God, He can provide an ordinary solution and make you victorious. That’s what happened with Samson when a huge army surrounded him. He had no weapons, no protection. All the odds were against him. He began to look around to try to find something to defend himself. All he could find was the jawbone of a donkey. He could have thought, “Oh, great, just my luck. I need a sword. I need a shield and all I have is this jawbone.”
    It was small. It was ordinary. But Samson didn’t dismiss it. He was smart enough to realize that this jawbone was part of his divine destiny. He picked it up and used it to defeat the entire army. Even though that jawbone was ordinary, it became extraordinary when God breathed on it.
    You don’t have to be bigger, stronger, or tougher to overcome your obstacles. You don’t have to have great talent in order to do something great. When you honor God with your life, you have the most powerful force in the universe breathing in your direction. God knows how to take something ordinary and make it

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