Break Out!: 5 Keys to Go Beyond Your Barriers and Live an Extraordinary Life
would think if you’re half your opponent’s size, you would sneak up. You would try to surprisehim. But it’s different when you know you are equipped and empowered. When you realize God has given you what you need, you will not shrink back in fear. You will run toward your enemies.
    God used a simple slingshot to thrust David to a new level of his destiny. My question for you is this: Are you overlooking something small, something ordinary, that God has given you? Are you sitting back thinking, “I don’t have the talent, the education. I don’t know the right people.”?
    You have exactly what you need. It may seem small, but when you take these steps of faith God will do for you what he did for David. He’ll breathe on your life and what was ordinary will become extraordinary. When my father went to be with the Lord in 1999, I knew I was supposed to step up and pastor the church, but I had never ministered before. I thought of all the reasons I couldn’t do it. I don’t have the experience. I don’t have the training. I don’t have the booming voice. I don’t have the dynamic personality. On and on, I came up with all these excuses.
    One day I heard God say something to me, not out loud, but just inside my heart. He said, “Joel, you’ve told Me all about what you don’t have. I’m not interested in that. All I’m asking you to do is use what you do have.” I stepped out with a little talent, a little ability, a little experience, and a little confidence. I didn’t have much to give, but I realize now I had exactly what I needed. It looked small. It seemed ordinary.
    When you give God what you have, He will take the little and He will turn it into much. Now quit telling God what you don’t have and what you can’t do. Be confident. You have exactly what you need. It may not be as much as others have, and that’s okay. You’re not running their race. Don’t envy their talent. Don’t covet what they have. Don’t wish you had their looks, their personality, or their opportunities.
    If God gave that to you it wouldn’t help you; it would hinder you. You’re not anointed to be them; you’re anointed to be you. When God breathed His life into you, He equipped you with everything you need to fulfill your destiny. You have the talent, the confidence, the strength, and the creativity to fulfill your purpose.
    Now it may seem small at first. When I started, I felt unqualified and intimidated. But as you take steps of faith, believing that you are equipped, and confident in what God has given you, God will take the small and Hewill multiply it. One day you will look up and say, just as I did, “How in the world did I get to where I am?”
    That’s the goodness, and favor of God.
    Here’s how the Scripture puts it: “It’s not by might, not by power, but by His spirit.” It’s not just talent. Not just education. Not just what family we come from. We excel and go places we’ve never dreamed of when the Most High God breathes on our lives. Sometimes, we feel like David must have felt: “All I have is a slingshot and he’s five times my size.”
    You’re up against a huge giant. But you can stay in faith. You don’t have to lose any sleep. Your slingshot, with God’s anointing, is more powerful than a giant warrior with no anointing.
    You may be up against a major challenge in your health, your finances, or a relationship. You may feel that you have a big problem but little faith. Let me encourage you. It isn’t necessary to have great faith. Just use what you have. Jesus told us that if we have faith as small as a mustard seed we can say to a mountain, “Be removed.” Nothing is impossible.
    When you use even small faith, God can move mountains. It is okay to say, “God, I don’t know how this is going to work out. I don’t know how my dreams could come to pass. I don’t know how I could get over this medical situation. But God, I trust You. My life is in Your hands.”
    Even if it’s

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