Bound to be Tested: Emergence, Book 3
    Lori spread her legs a few more inches, her knees barely on the edges of the pillow.
    “Good. As a guide, I’ve chosen this pillow specifically. Your knees should be wide enough that I can’t see the edges.” He leaned over Lori, and his breath wafted across her shoulder. When it hit her nipples, they pebbled. “Ah, baby, I’ve missed seeing you like this.” He stepped in front of her and lifted both breasts in his hands.
    He weighed them, jiggling them in the air as though checking to see if they were as he remembered. “You’ve filled out.”
    She flushed, a warmth that spread down her body from head to toe.
    “I like it. You were too skinny.”
    She exhaled a breath she hadn’t realized she held.
    “Relax.” He stroked a finger down her chest between her breasts, making them rise higher as she straightened her back under his touch. Suddenly he pinched her nipples.
    Lori flinched. Her flush deepened. It had been so long since someone had successfully topped her. Two years if she were to be honest.
    She thought of Margaret. Normally right now she would be with her own sub, commanding her body into submission. It was Friday night. They would be at the club now. In just two weeks Lori’s world had made an abrupt about-face. She wondered at her ability to switch sides so easily. “I have another rule. There will be no pleasuring yourself except under my direction. No orgasms are permitted until I say so. No masturbating without my guidance. In effect, keep your hands to yourself at all times.”
    Lori shivered. She’d known he would demand that, but it still nailed home when he verbalized it.
    Jude turned to leave the room. “Let’s move to the bedroom. It’ll be more comfortable. I want to reacquaint myself with your body.”
    She stood, carefully lifting first one knee and then the other to plant her feet gracefully without separating her hands. Nerves made her clinch her teeth together. He wasn’t wasting a single moment to reestablish his dominance. She followed him, reentered the bedroom and waited for instructions.
    Jude pulled the comforter off the bed. “Please sit in the center at the head of the bed.”
    Lori climbed up and situated herself at the headboard.
    “Are you comfortable?”
    He hesitated, not missing her slip. And then he reached into a bag at the foot of the bed and removed a set of wrist cuffs. He bounced them in his hands as he paced, his gaze pinning her to the mattress. He handed her the cuffs.
    Lori took the cuffs, her fingers grazing Jude’s and sending an electrical shock up her arm. She clenched her pussy. Any time Jude had introduced something new to her, her arousal ratcheted up a notch. Even though he’d used restraints on her many times in the past, it had been a long time. She knew he was giving her a minute to acclimate.
    “Go ahead. Put them on.”
    Trying to keep her fingers steady, Lori strapped first one wrist and then the other into the soft nylon, attaching it firmly with the Velcro. Even without Jude attaching the cuffs to anything yet, she felt herself slipping further under his spell. Feeling the nylon on her wrists was enough. If he tugged them over her head and attached her to the bed frame, she would fall even deeper.
    “Lie back, baby. It’s been a long time. I want to explore you a bit.”
    She eased onto the pillow, her legs shaking.
    Jude lifted a brow and stared at her. “Let me be more specific. I want to see your pussy, baby. Not a shadow of it.”
    She slowly spread her knees and let them fall open.
    “Do you suddenly have issues with your pussy?” he asked.
    “No, Sir.” She swallowed. “I’m just nervous.”
    He nodded. “I can appreciate that. I’ll cut you some slack tonight, but only tonight. It’s been a while. You’ll remember quickly how to please me. If you don’t please me, you’ll remember quickly how I like to punish you.”
    She closed her eyes, flashes of past punishments running through her

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