Bound to be Tested: Emergence, Book 3
mind. Her pussy wept as she thought about how Jude could control her so easily.
    “What sort of position are you in? Freestyle?”
    She jerked and realized she lay haphazardly with her hands on her belly. Her legs had come together again. She quickly moved into a more open position—legs spread, hands above her head, eyes downcast.
    “Better. How many times since I arrived at your apartment this evening have I had to correct you?”
    “I’m not sure, Sir.”
    “Well, think about it. Keep a tally for me.” He turned his back to her. She hated that. He knew it. The body language alone had been known to shame her into better behavior.
    Jude kicked off his shoes, pulled off his socks and tugged his T-shirt over his head.
    Lori stifled a groan as his back came into view, his muscles bulging. She got a better view of the tattoo on his bicep when he turned sideways to sit on the bed. An eagle. It was phenomenal. The designer had done a fantastic job.
    Jude climbed between her legs, slinking into the space like a cat. He lifted her chin and brushed her hair out of her face. “Let’s see what gets you off these days and work from there.”
    Her eyes widened. Lori had no way of knowing what Jude was going to do.
    He chuckled and let his gaze roam her body. “Open your thighs wider and leave them open or I will strap them open.”
    Her pussy throbbed as she did his bidding, planting her feet wider and straining to open her pussy to his view.
    Jude stared for long moments at her sex without touching her or saying a word. He finally lifted his head toward her chest. “How sensitive are your nipples right now, baby?”
    “Very, Sir.” She knew they stood at attention and he was torturing her by not touching them.
    She flinched as he stared. It amazed her what he could accomplish with his gaze. Her nipples pebbled more with each passing moment. When his breath hit them, she moaned.
    “Did I say you could make a sound?”
    “No, Sir.”
    “I need you to concentrate. I know it’s been a long time, but focus.”
    “Yes, Sir.”
    He brought her hand to his lips and kissed her knuckles, completely incongruent with his words and the fact that she knew she was accumulating punishments at a rapid pace.
    “Now, let’s experiment.”
    Holy mother of God, what did he have in mind?
    “Play with your left nipple, baby. I want to see how you react to your touch.”
    Lori’s hand shook as he released it to let her complete the task. She reached toward herself and pinched the bud between her thumb and pointer, not hard, but enough to make her buck.
    Jude imitated Lori’s actions on her other nipple, plucking it in tandem with her motions until she had to grit her teeth. “Now, stroke it, baby. Circle the areola. They’re gorgeous. I love how full they are. When was the last time you wore clamps?”
    “With you, Sir.”
    He fondled her right nipple, flicking it and pinching it in an undetermined pattern until it stood more rigid. A smile lifted the corners of his lips. He dipped his hand lower and held Lori’s globe gently underneath. “So soft.”
    Lori moaned and then bit her lip, but it was too late.
    “You’ve gotten noisy.”
    “Sorry, Sir.” It felt so strange having a conversation while Jude teased her breasts to the edge of sanity.
    Jude surprised Lori by kissing her shoulder and nibbling on her neck. He pulled away just as quickly. “Show me how you like your pussy stroked.” He released her breast and lowered his gaze.
    Lori inched her fingers down her belly.
    “Pull your folds open. I want to see how pink you are.”
    Lori used both hands to open herself to his view, her thumbs and fingers stretching her outer lips apart.
    “So gorgeous. Just how I remember. And so wet.” He grazed his finger over the line of groomed hair above her pussy.
    “I like this little runway you have going up the middle. Do you shave it yourself?”
    “Yes, Sir.”
    “I’ll be doing it now.”
    Lori’s pussy leaked. There was no

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